Join us for an enriching conversation on Podcasting to Create Connection with Chrysa Sto.
In this episode, we explore the main fears that hold people back, strategies for consistently discovering captivating guests, and how podcasts can seamlessly integrate into your broader business strategy.
Discover an often overlooked yet powerful method for fostering direct engagement with your audience while exploring the future of this dynamic medium.
Are you ready to harness the power of podcasting to cultivate genuine connections and drive positive change?
Let’s dive in.
"The topic of the podcast also needs to be aligned with a topic that would be a fit for your clients." – Chrysa Sto @sarahsantacroce #humanemarketing Share on XIn this conversation we talked about:
- The main fear of people starting their own podcast
- How to continuously find new interesting guests
- How a podcast fits into an overall business strategy
- An overlooked yet simple strategy to directly interact and engage with your listeners
- The future of podcasts…
- and much more…
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Marketing Like We’re Human – Sarah’s book
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Ep 189
[00:00:00] Hello, Humane Marketers. Welcome back to the Humane Marketing Podcast, the place to be for the generation of marketers that cares. This is a show where we talk about running your business in a way that feels good to you, is aligned with your values, and also resonates with today’s conscious customers because it’s humane, ethical, and non pushy.
I’m Sarah Zanacroce, your hippie turned business coach for quietly rebellious entrepreneurs and marketing impact pioneers. Mama bear of the humane marketing circle and renegade author of marketing like we’re human and selling like we’re human. If after listening to the show for a while, you’re ready to move on to the next level and start implementing and would welcome a community of like minded, quietly rebellious entrepreneurs who discuss with transparency what we’re doing.
Works and what doesn’t work in business, then we’d love to welcome you in our humane marketing circle. If you’re picturing your [00:01:00] typical Facebook group, let me paint a new picture for you. This is a closed community of like minded entrepreneurs from all over the world who come together once per month in a zoom circle workshop to hold each other accountable and build their business in a sustainable way.
We share with transparency and vulnerability, what works for us and what doesn’t work. So that you can figure out what works for you instead of keep throwing spaghetti on the wall and seeing what sticks. Find out more at humane. marketing forward slash circle. And if you prefer one on one support from me, my humane business coaching could be just what you need.
Whether it’s for your marketing, sales, general business building, or help with your big idea like writing a book, I’d love to share my brain and my heart with you together with my almost 15 years business experience. experience and help you grow a sustainable business that is joyful and sustainable. If you love this [00:02:00] podcast, wait until I show you my mama bear qualities as my one on one client can find out more at humane.
marketing forward slash coaching. And finally, if you are a marketing impact pioneer and would like to bring humane marketing to your organization, have a look at my offers and workshops on my website at humane. marketing. com. Dot marketing.
Ep 188 intro: Hi, friends. Welcome back to another episode of the Humane Marketing Podcast. Today’s conversation fits under the piece of partnership, promotion, and even people and product. So kind of fits everywhere. I’m talking to Carissa Stowe about podcasting. If you’re a regular here, you know that I’m organizing these conversations around the seven Ps of the Humane Marketing Mandala.
And if this is your first time here, maybe you’re one of Krisa’s people, [00:03:00] big warm welcome. You probably don’t know what I’m talking about. What’s the seven P’s in Mandala? Well, you can go over to humane. marketing forward slash one page, the number one and the word page, and download your one page marketing plan with the seven P’s of humane marketing.
And this comes with seven email prompts to really help you reflect on these different P’s. And I’m actually recording a mini. Muse episodes around these seven Ps that I will all upload to a blog post around them, and you’ll find the recordings in there. And that’s at humane. marketing. com forward slash seven Ps, the number seven.
Letters P and S. So today’s show, let me tell you a little bit more about CRISA. CRISA helps human centered, eco conscious businesses and change makers launch [00:04:00] and manage podcasts that feel authentic and sound good. She’s dedicated to helping you utilize podcasting to establish credibility and brand awareness, create connections with potential clients, and foster meaningful relationships that result in increased business opportunities.
In our conversation, we talked about the main fear of people starting their own podcast, how to continuously find new interesting guests, how a podcast fits into an overall business strategy. An overlooked yet simple strategy to directly interact and engage with your listeners, and you’ll hear on this episode how even I overlooked it, or I had it in place, but never used it.
So you’ll find that out later in the episode. And we also talk about the future of podcasts and Chris’s opinion on that and so much more. So [00:05:00] without further ado, let’s dive in.
video1496172371: Hey Chrysa, so good to have you on the Humane Marketing Podcast to talk about podcasting. And we just had like a stressful moment before getting on with the tech and my mic all of a sudden not working and we were just laughing because Right. That’s exactly what we’re talking about today. This show the technical issues and not just that, but that’s usually where people are like, Oh, my God, all this tech that’s involved, but anyways.
Thank you so much for being here on the show. Thank you for having Sarah. It’s really nice to connect and talk with you. Yeah. It’s been a long time in the making. We’ve connected so long ago. It seems like, even though probably for you, the time just flew by because you had a baby and time is just different when you have a baby, right?
It seems like it just flies by. Here we are. Yeah. So [00:06:00] almost probably a year after connecting for the first time. So, yeah. So today this today. Yeah. So glad to be here. Yeah. Wonderful. Well, let’s just get started with the tech because I think that’s you know, one of the things that a lot of entrepreneurs worry about when it comes to podcasting.
But it’s not the only thing we’re going to be talking about on today’s show, but I think it’s a good way to start. So how much do we really need to worry about the tech? Is that a big deal? Mm hmm. It’s always a question that comes up, especially for people who are either starting out or have some, you know issues with tech.
So In the question, how much tech do you need to get started? For example, the barrier to entry is low, so you don’t need much of a tech to get started. You need [00:07:00] a microphone, a decent web camera, if you don’t have like, for example, A mireless or a DSLR but definitely you don’t need to break the bank with a microphone and from the ease of your computer of your home you can record a podcast with of course you need a recording platform like zoom or Riverside or squad cast.
There are numerous Platforms out there that you can record a show and have a good quality audio. But to get started, I would say it’s pretty straightforward, easy to get started with a microphone, a camera and a recording software. Thank you. Yeah. I think that a lot of people are kind of like, oh, can relax their shoulders.
So what, let’s just explain what just happened when we logged on, right? So I do what I always do. I check the mic before I hit recording or before the guest even goes, gets on. And so [00:08:00] when you I let you in all of a sudden I noticed that my mic is not showing up in the, in the settings. And then I realized, well, it’s not even, like, usually there’s a small blue light mic that I use and I use a Rode desktop mic.
And so I’m like, well, trying to plug it in to different ways, unplug it, et cetera. Because I do feel like it helps to have a good mic to record a podcast. But then we decided, okay, well, let’s go ahead anyways to record it because actually I use some tools. That helped with the recording anyways after.
And so I shared with you that I use a site called a phonic where I didn’t upload and that kind of equalizes the sound and it usually is pretty good. So that’s what just happened before we hit record. So yeah, a good mic is [00:09:00] definitely a huge plus, but like you said, you don’t need to break the bank. So what do you feel like, and then you actually.
Mentioned lighting because we’re recording this also on YouTube. What would you say is more important, the light or the sound? Yeah, that’s a really interesting question. Thanks for asking. And what I would say about that is, It’s usually 50 percent of the, of the success depends on the audio. So even if you have the, like the best camera and your audio is, is, is bad, is poor things won’t be you know, presented as, as as, as they should, if you had poor audio.
a decent web camera or a decent camera and a decent microphone, if that makes sense. So it’s 50 50, it’s 50 50, but the audio part, I feel it’s more important because people can, [00:10:00] can view and watch and not show crystal clear, clear, you know, image, video on their, on their, on their phone or on their computer, but they don’t, they cannot hear a poor recorded audio, if that makes sense.
It’s really annoying to listen to something that you can’t. Barely here or there’s like background noise. It’s yeah, you get annoyed faster. I think with your ears than with your eyes. Exactly. Yeah. And because we’re talking about the podcast, which was mainly An audio experience now, certainly like the, the few years the last few years have become like video.
There are so many video first podcasts out there, but at first it was originally an audio experience. So if we consider that the audio experience and the people have you. Plugged in their [00:11:00] headphones and always on the go, they need to have like a great audio and listening experience. Right. Hmm. Yeah. So let’s expand a little bit further.
So, okay. We know that good sound is important. What else makes a successful podcast in your opinion? Yeah I mean, this is a question that the answer is it depends because success to me, for example, might be different from what you define success to be. So it depends on, on the podcasters goals, objectives.
And needs like how the podcast is contribute, contributes to, you know, for example, if those people are business owners it depends for every people is different. But I would say for. People like me or like, like for coaches, consultants, service providers, a successful podcast is [00:12:00] like the, the core of your content is, is, is a channel that you have.
build your network on. You can use this channel and this like to, to show up share what you have to, to say about the topic that you’re interested in or know more about. And also have this channel be, The core strategy of building your network creating relationships, connecting with people who you haven’t had the time like to connect with unless you had the podcast and It depends on many different factors, but I think for business owners, podcasting is, and the podcast is a door opener.
It gives you the opportunity to meet with people, connect with people that might also these people be Potential [00:13:00] clients business partners, collaborators, and all of this plays a huge role in networking and you know, growing a business through networking connections and organic ways of growing a business, if that makes sense.
Yeah. So, so you basically defined what success could look like. Right. And, and, and now let’s go to, well, what makes that successful podcast, however you define success. So by that, I mean, like, you know, content flow guests are a few of these ingredients, right? So you probably have listened to many, many podcasts and.
You can tell, okay, this podcast is gonna make it, or this past podcast, I don’t know how long it’s gonna survive. Right. There’s probably some indicators that tell you, yeah, [00:14:00] this is a good show or not so. Mm-Hmm, . Mm-Hmm. . So what are those? So, to that end, I mean I feel like a successful podcast is the, a podcast that can provide for the listeners, can, can share like valuable insights and actually be, Helpful resource, resource for people so that people are listeners and the audience is coming back every week or whatever frequency applies.
But for me, a successful podcast is the one that helps me, educates me on something on a topic. I can listen with ease, like without having any audio issues or things like that. And I can also connect and like the guests, like how not the guests, sorry, the host and the guests. I, a podcast, successful podcast to, to my eyes is one that I like the host, how they [00:15:00] present the content how they connect with people, how, you know, their manners and all of that.
So yeah, for me, it’s all about. becoming a valuable, helpful resource for people so that your show, you know, has an impact on people’s either lives, businesses. Yeah. There’s, there’s essentially, there’s To two different audiences or people that are involved in the podcasting experience. I guess there’s the guests, right?
And then there’s the listeners and as a podcast host. Well, you’re creating relationships with the guests. Your stream, well, basically looking for guests to bring on to your audience and then you’re also creating relationships with your [00:16:00] listeners, which I guess in a way, yes, you’re kind of wanting them to.
Further engage with you and maybe come into your world and then go on to your gentle sales path. That’s really also part of why we’re doing this. Yes, we’re educating, we’re inspiring, but we’re doing this in a business context. And so somehow it has to do with our gentle sales path, right? So let’s talk first about the guests because.
That is something that while you need to make sure that you have guests lined up and, and so how, what are ways that podcast hosts are finding new, interesting guests that, you know, you see with your clients, what are you helping them with? Yeah. Now so here’s the thing about finding guests, there are several podcasts, websites, matching websites out [00:17:00] there that you can go in, create an account and you know, So these podcast websites connect guests with hosts, right?
So an example of this would be podcastguest. com or podmods. And this is an easy way for people who don’t have another way to do it. This is an easy way to find guests. Although with my clients, when the, the last few years, I started to incorporate a more hybrid approach. What I mean by that is because of my client, because most of my clients are business owners or you know, coaches, service providers, and this kind of profession they want to somehow link the podcast into, you know, finding clients or collaborating with people in a way that is mutually beneficial.
So that, that’s, that’s why I figured out [00:18:00] like okay, I need to find a way to. help them find guests, but not just find guests for the sake of finding a guest, bringing them, recording an episode and that’s it, but in a more intentional way. Right. And so here’s what I recommend for people who want to somehow link the podcast with the business.
You can simply create a list of potential guests that you want to have in your show, but with in mind, you would have the people that you either admire or want to work with, the people you would love to work with. And so you are reaching out to those people. That for you feed the ideal client persona that you have and you’re reaching out to those people, you’re inviting them to the show.
Most people will, are likely to say yes, because [00:19:00] it’s a conversation, you know, it’s a natural way of no, or getting to knowing to know someone or learning from them. So then when you have them on the show, either before or after the interview, or even in a follow up email that you might be sending, you can just mention a simple, gentle, genuine question like you can let them be aware of your, of the offers that you have currently, currently running your services, your website, and you can just ask, is there a new one?
And That you think I should talk to, or do you know anyone that might be interested in the XYZ service that I have and is just like asking them if they know someone else, you’re not trying to sell something to them. So the approach is actually at least in my opinion, humane, you know, gentle So this [00:20:00] way there is a double benefit to this.
You are finding guests to fill up the list of your, of the guests of your show, but you’re not just bringing you know, anyone that’s might be interested. You’re bringing actually people who you admire and you would want to work with. So if this conversation ends up like, if those people are interested.
To in working with you, they might, this might be an opportunity for them to get to know you get to know to your, you know, to your personality approach. So either they might say yes, or they might refer you to someone else. And in fact, most of my clients. Use the podcast, utilize the podcast, the power of podcasting like this.
Like most of the guests they have on the show, they send them referrals because they had a great experience. Certainly you cannot have someone on your show and [00:21:00] just have them. And then be like forget them. You need to nurture their relationship and keep engaging with them. Keep, you know, interacting with them afterwards, because we’re talking about build, building real relationships, you know?
So this is the way I recommend people you know, who are interested in linking the podcast to the business. To go about this. Like it’s an idea worth considering because I’ve seen it working with many of my clients. Yeah, that’s a, that’s a great idea. And I think I, I was trying to remember when I started podcasting and don’t remember, but it’s, it’s at least eight years.
I think that I’ve been podcasting various. Podcasts, and I made the mistake of just randomly interviewing people at least in the first podcast, the, the it was called the introvert best [00:22:00] growth podcast at the same time, maybe I wouldn’t call it a mistake because it was for me. Just the networking, just the relationship building, they didn’t turn out to be clients, but they helped me create this huge network.
Now that I do feel like I, I never need to look for a podcast guests. It’s, it’s like. As a podcast host, you get so many pitches from people to be on podcasts. And probably out of a hundred, I accept one because they just really did their homework really well. But the other 99, I just don’t even reply anymore.
Because I, I do have this big network network of people that I feel like, okay, these are aligned people. Right. But I guess what I’m not doing is I’m not like thinking, Oh, could they be clients as much [00:23:00] because I, what I was thinking when you were talking is like, well, the topic of the podcast also needs to be aligned with a topic that your, would be a fit for your clients.
Right. Because for me, well, I’m bringing in. Either experts at marketing. So they’re like, well, I don’t need Sarah’s help. Right. There are experts in their own field of marketing of some kind. Or or they are an inspiration for me. And so that’s why I bring them in. So there are change makers that I look up to and they, you know, they’re probably as few steps ahead of me.
And so that’s why I bring them. And, and that’s also my reason for podcasting is really all the things I learned over the years. So yeah, but the other thing it made me think of when you shared, it was like, well, the frequency of [00:24:00] podcasting, right? When you have to, Look for for client for podcast guests per month, or some people have even 2 shows per week.
And then it’s a podcast. That’s a lot of people. Right? And then really the relationship relationship building gets quite difficult. Difficult. And that’s what happened to me when I had four guests per month. And I’m like, I can’t, like, it doesn’t feel human or humane anymore. It feels like it’s just like this factory of people.
And so that’s why I really slowed it down. And now I just have two episodes per month. And one of them is also a CoLab workshop partner. So I kind of combined that. So what, what would you say about the frequency of. Of shows. So a little bit about what you shared before. First of all, I, I totally agree all of that, that I’ve shared in terms of the strategy.
Certainly the [00:25:00] people that you’re reaching out need to be aligned with, with the podcast topic that you have. But yeah, to answer your question about the frequency. I would say that everyone is doing what their best they what it’s best for their, you know, for the sanity for that is that fits their schedule.
And definitely there is no need to be a by, you know, there’s no need doesn’t mean that if you don’t have a weekly show, you cannot be successful or you cannot achieve your goals, your specific goals. The frequency depends on, in my opinion, on your bandwidth, schedule, purpose, and you know, It’s best, what you do, it’s best to do what feels right for you, for your specific situation and for your goals.
So for example, what you shared, [00:26:00] it didn’t feel a line anymore when you had feedback. For guests and like, if you like a factory, so this doesn’t feel right. So it’s good that you made the decision to go to buy a bi weekly schedule. So, yeah, I’m totally, I totally agree with that approach for everyone that is thinking that.
Maybe people will forget about me or a bi weekly show is definitely a consistent, you know, normal paced show and schedule. Hmm. That’s good to know. So we talked about the hosts. Now let’s talk about the listeners. What would you say there? How do we engage with listeners so that we do bring them into our world and, and maybe eventually onto our gentle sales path?
Yeah. That’s a, that’s a very general question, right? Engaging with listeners. It’s a bit hard for pod, for, [00:27:00] it was a bit hard for audio podcasters specifically because a podcast apps, at least most of them don’t allow you to interact directly as we interact on social media, for example, with comments and things like that.
But. Now, thanks to video podcasting and YouTube, things got easier, but I won’t go there to interact like with ways using YouTube and social media, because that’s, that’s the normal thing. And I like to talk, you know non traditional ways of doing things. So yes, you can prompt listeners to follow your social media.
Or watch on YouTube and interact with you this way. But what I would like to share with you is an overlooked strategy, an overlooked tactic that people often, you know don’t talk about, which is a simple [00:28:00] form, written form on your website that you can have. If you’re thinking, yeah, but the form of people you need people, I need from people to go to my website, fill out the form.
Too many steps. Yes. Too many steps. But I like to have different things for people to take action on. So you can have a dedicated page on your website, for example, that might be something like yourpodcast. com slash question or slash listener And you can have a written form there for those who are interested in filling out the form and asking a question.
And we can have also something like it’s a plugin, a web plugin called the software that you can install called, for example, Speakpipe. There are several others where, listen, you install this plugin in this page under or below or above [00:29:00] the form, doesn’t matter. And people can just press record from their phone or computer and record the voice note, which is It’s powerful because if you can get people to go to this, to this page and just click record and record the question, this means like direct interaction and engagement from your listeners.
And what you also are doing with this way is you are collecting real feedback data Having the chance to feature them and give back to your audience, feature them, feature the voice notes, the voice note that they recorded on your show. So yeah this is, this is really. A strategy that we, we’ve started implementing with some of my clients and we’ve seen that it’s a bit tough to get listeners to go to this page.
Yes. [00:30:00] But if you are, if you think of this page as your main call to action on the show and Also, if you have the chance to promote this page in other places that you might be speaking people who are interested, genuinely interested in, you know, interacting with you will definitely take the time to press one button and record a voice note.
I’m laughing because I actually do have that set up on my website. And I didn’t even know the link, so I had to go look it up and it’s like this long link. So yeah, I need to create a permalink, like a shortened link for it. And I need to actually mention it on the podcast, right. It’s not enough to just sit there on the website.
But yeah have it, have it as one of the call to actions is such a good reminder because I remember like when I first installed it, I love getting those messages. It’s like. [00:31:00] Oh my God, there’s people listening. , . And it was great. But yeah, I need to, I need to implement that. So if you’re listening, watch out.
I don’t have a now because the link is way too long, but I’ll mention it on the, on the next episode. Definitely. So yeah look out for that link and, and please leave me a voice message. They make my kids. So yeah, great, great tips. So that’s one of those ways that we can engage. One of those ways.
And people, yeah, as you said, people forget, like you, you install something or you create a way and you don’t even mention it on the show. So how do, do listeners, you know, are aware of this method or of this thing that you are suggesting to, for them to do. So yeah either on the show as a call to action or.
You can even, you know, talk about it in interviews, workshops, whatever you have, because people will interact like trust [00:32:00] me, they do. They will do. Yeah, I love that. I was just thinking also and, and I don’t have that. or anything, but I’m playing with creating a chat bot for my community based on my books and my podcasts and everything.
So I train the chat bot and then becomes a resource for members of the community because they can ask questions and the bot will basically give them information, but all based on my. Right. And so I’m thinking that maybe there’s some way to use a public chat bot on the podcast as well, so that they could go back into older episodes and, you know, look up things like.
Who, you know, who talked about this in this topic, and then the bot would go back and give them the information on on that. I love [00:33:00] connecting AI in a very human serving way. You know, it’s like. Okay. Yes, it’s AI. Okay. It’s not a real human, but it helps us humans. Right. Because it, it brings us that information that we’re looking for.
So I was just, yeah, as you were talking, like, huh, I wonder if that’s a really interesting and amazing idea. I don’t know of a software that does that, like directly connected, connecting to to be connected to the podcast, but I can definitely look it up and let Yeah. But I will love that. Like it’s, it’s really helpful to know because now the burden is on the host.
For example, if you want to mention older episodes, you need to grab the link, put it in the description, mention it on, on the, on the, on that episode that you can find links or episodes mentioned in the description. Because you need to let people know, right? [00:34:00] Otherwise, how do they know? So, yeah, I love this idea because it literally, it’s, it’s really helpful.
Yeah. Two tools that I’m using or that I’m experimenting with are one is called right sonic, and it came out with the first. Chatbots and and the other one is called creator. io. So I’m looking at those and then what you mentioned to find the links, you know, to other episodes, I’m using chat GPT for that already, but you have to have the paid version for that because otherwise it doesn’t provide you with links and that’s the whole point, right?
Yeah, yeah, yeah. That’s the whole point. Yeah, yeah, yeah. This is great. What about, since we’re talking about, okay, we’re talking about AI, but we’re mainly talking about humans, so what about stats? Do I need to worry about stats? How often should I be looking at numbers or should I just forget about them?
People, people [00:35:00] love looking at numbers, right? We love looking at numbers. I don’t. Oh, okay. Yeah, that’s, that’s great because I don’t either, but most people some people, not most, but some people get a little bit, you know obsessed with numbers because they do want to download, they do want the listeners, but especially in the beginning, I recommend not looking at numbers at all, because they will create more stress and overwhelm than be helpful, you know?
So, certainly statistics and, and, you know, analytics are great for People who have been podcasting for a while have an established audience and they want to know where do they people, where do these people are tuning in? Like how off, how long do they listen to? Is there a point that they left off?
Should I [00:36:00] you know, do something for, to make the come back and come back and things like that. But this goes Once you have an established podcast, an established audience, and you know what you’re doing, you can definitely have a look, for example, once a month and either do it yourself, or if you have a manager or someone else that is helping you have a meeting and, or with yourself and, you know think of the numbers and things, think how you can refine things that you’re doing in the podcast.
To help increase those numbers and make them go up. But yeah, I yeah. This is my simple opinion on that. Yeah, thank you. I, yeah, I’m, I don’t remember when I last looked at them, but it’s, oh, I do remember. Actually, it was when I changed from four podcasts to two podcasts, because I, I did a [00:37:00] test and said, okay, I’m going to do, you know, six months of that and then see where the numbers are.
And the numbers didn’t change. Yeah. So I had, that’s amazing. I had less. And the numbers stayed the same. So I was like, well, okay. They didn’t increase obviously, but the people still. And you know, so yeah, to me it was like, okay. But then. Maybe the last point I want to address, because one of my favorite podcast hosts and a past business coach, Jenny Blake, she has two podcasts.
One is called Free Time and the other one is called Pivot. And she just announced that she’s going to stop both podcasts and take the pause and she’s been podcasting also for a very long time. And so, the question, I guess, is like, well, And I think she [00:38:00] was, like, really going all in. And she said it like that.
She was going all in and probably hoping to have sponsorship and make it the, you know, her business, basically. And so that’s a complete different strategy. Right? It is if we compare, podcasts with the, you know Rogan, what’s his name? Yeah. Sorry. I forgot it. Joe. Joe Rogan. No. Yeah. I think so.
Sorry. Joe Rogan. Joe Rogan. Yeah. Is it Joe Rogan? Yeah. So if you compare with those big guys, then obviously, You know, we, yeah, it’s not even worth getting started. Let’s just say, so it really depends. I guess we’re coming back to this definition of success. How, how do you define success? Do you want to make money on this podcast?
Well, that’s a different ball game, right? If the, the podcast itself, [00:39:00] and I’m not talking getting clients, but the podcast itself, if you want to hit sponsorship. Completely different ballgame, so that’s not what we’re talking about here but it’s important to be realistic about this goal. And that’s also one of the reasons why I reduced to two episodes, and then in a way I almost reduced it even further down because now One of the episodes is also a collab partnership that I do for the workshop.
So it’s kind of like two in one. And so I really just reduced the time commitment for my podcast because, you know, it’s like, that’s what you do. It’s like, well, you, you either invest time. Or money or money. Yeah. And then you see what comes back. So yeah, do you have those kind of conversations as well?
Clients to really make sure that their expectations [00:40:00] are aligned with what what it is. they can get out of this podcast. Definitely do. And those conversations usually come up from people who have been podcasting for a while, for a while that now they want to, you know, have sponsors and make a little money over all of the podcast, which is definitely but there are a lot of factors, like it’s a whole nother conversation, talk about sponsorships and how you can get sponsors or even getting on a network.
There are different ways that you can make money over the podcast, but I wouldn’t say that a podcast can like sustain you can bring you, you know, a sustainable amount of money each month to, you To be actually sustainable to become a business or at least I, I haven’t, like, I haven’t worked with those big guys who, who are making money, like even just with an episode, but yeah.
[00:41:00] So That is the reason I recommend going more and focusing more on the building relationships aspect and even getting clients rather than, you know, focusing on sponsorships, ads, and ads, yeah, definitely ads is, ads are helpful. I, I recommend. People to have like more of a self promoted ad self, you know ads about your offerings, promotions, or collaborations with someone.
But yeah, I wouldn’t recommend someone to start the podcast if the, the ultimate goal is to make money off of it or, or make it a business because it’s not impossible, but it’s, it’s really tough and it takes a lot of time to get there. Yeah, thanks for thanks for being real. I think that’s yeah, really important here.
As [00:42:00] we’re wrapping up 2 more questions. Where do you see the future of podcasting? And then I’ll ask you the last question, but let’s go there 1st. The future of podcasting. So that’s really interesting. I feel like podcasting is going all in, in the video aspect. So I feel like many audio podcasts and audio shows will be You know, we’ll switch to video first shows because of the recent changes of Google podcast shutting down and YouTube taking over.
And it makes sense like for audio shows to become video first shows. So I feel like the interaction part and the engagement part will become more. Will become easier if we’re thinking that more and more shows are becoming video shows. So, you know, [00:43:00] the, the, these difficulty that has been. So far to connect and interact with listeners will be easier, I guess.
And yeah I think that more and more shows will also be able to make money off of the podcast or to, you know, To achieve their objectives, whatever they are because the features and because of the expansion, you know, of, of podcasting features and YouTube is investing so much into podcasting.
So I think the industry will be will grow like, Has been growing rapidly, but the, the growth will continue to surprise us with the power of podcasting. Nice. I’m glad I’m I made that switch and I’m posting everything on YouTube as well. Yeah, yeah, yeah, [00:44:00] definitely. Well, this has been really, really great.
Thanks so much for, for being here and answering the questions that y’all had about podcasting. Podcasting. I always ask one last question and that is what are you grateful for today or this week, Krista? Oh, that’s a wonderful question. So I’m grateful for it’s not related to the business. I’m grateful for having my business and for all of my clients that I adore, but I’m most grateful for becoming a mom and, you know, getting to know baby that I just love so much and grateful for having a family, you know?
So yeah. Wonderful. This is what I’m grateful for. Yeah. Is he sleeping right now? Is the baby sleeping right now? No, no, no. The baby is, is out for a walk with his dad. Yeah. Yeah. Wonderful. Well, thank you so much [00:45:00] for, for being here, Krista. It’s been a pleasure. so much for having me. It’s been really great, great to talk to, talk with you and talk about a little about podcasting.
I hope listeners find it helpful. And yeah, it’s been great. Thank you, Sarah. Thank you. And I, I will mention all the links where people can find you in the intro and the outro. Yeah. Thanks so much. Bye. Bye.
Ep 188 outro: I hope you got some great value from listening to this episode and can apply it to your own business. Of course, especially if you’re thinking about starting a podcast. I don’t know if I really underlined it as much as I wanted to. Is that for me, my podcasts, because I did at least three really helped me not just with authority, but creating these deeper relationships with [00:46:00] people that before I just didn’t have any way to connect with.
So I’m super, super grateful for, for the podcast and still enjoy it. In order to find out more about Krissa and her work, you can go to krissastow. com. And if you’re looking for others who think like you, then why not join us in the Humane Marketing Circle, which Krissa is also a member of. Right now, we’re starting to plan our next community event, the Humane Marketing Circle Expo, an event by members, for members, and the public.
And the topic this year is business with heart, putting humans first, we can’t wait to invite you to a week full of our members, events, workshops, roundtables, and lots of moments to discuss and connect. And if you’d like to be part of it from the inside as a member, well, Now is the right time to join us.
We’d love to have you. [00:47:00] Besides this event, we also meet at least twice per month. Once for a meetup around the business topic and once for a workshop with an aligned speaker. If you haven’t found your community yet. Well, consider joining us if it feels aligned. It’s much more than marketing. It’s really humane business altogether, business for humans. More details at humanemarketing. com forward slash community. You find the show notes of this episode at humane. marketing forward slash H M 1 8 8. And on this beautiful page, you’ll also find a series of free offers, such as the humane business manifesto and the free gentle confidence mini course. As well as my two books, Marketing Like We’re Human and Selling Like We’re Human.
Thank you so much for listening and being part of a generation of marketers who cares for yourself, your clients, and the [00:48:00] planet, because we are change makers before we are marketers.
So go be the change you want to see in the world. Speak soon.