
Below you’ll find a selection of articles that have to do with community, finding the right community, building your own community, the difference between a community and a network and more.

Global Online Communities

Eddy shares thought-provoking perspectives on the distinction between communities and audiences, drawing from real-life examples, talks about the essence of “Community” and explains the numerous benefits of communities, for its members and the brand. Eddy’s definition, “When at least two people begin to feel concern for each other’s welfare,” encapsulates the spirit of community.

Mark Schaefer

The Importance of Community in Marketing

Today’s episode features a special guest, Mark Schaefer, a globally-recognized keynote speaker, futurist, business consultant, and author. Mark and Sarah delve into the significance of community in today’s world and its role in humane marketing. They explore the difference between a community and an audience, the importance of letting go of control as a community …

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Online Community for Conscious Entrepreneurs

Online Community: Build Your Business with Like-Minded Individuals

Are you an entrepreneur looking for an online community of like-minded individuals who share your values and vision?

Do you believe in building a business that not only generates profits but also creates positive change in the world?
Let’s explore why it’s crucial to start ‘knowing yourself’ in order to find your people. We’ll share tips on finding your authentic self and bringing more of YOU to your marketing efforts. 

The 7Ps of Humane Marketing

Get the Fill In the Blank One-Page Marketing Plan

Humane Marketing 7ps

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