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Here's what matters to us Humane Marketers:
We run our business to make a positive difference and to support ourselves financially
Similar to B Corporations, we balance purpose and profit. We are here to serve, but we are not martyrs. We are in business.
We embrace gentleness throughout our business
We treat clients, potential clients, and employees with kindness and empathy. No need to talk about ‘pain points’.
We believe in integrity and authenticity
We just want to be ourselves in order to do our best work. We don’t use authenticity as a buzzword. It just means that we show up as who we are, in integrity.
We cultivate community
We care deeply about creating win-win-win situations. Win for the world, win for our clients, and win for ourselves.
We ensure fairness
In order to build a sustainable business, we invest in creating community, not just systems.
We make the world a better place
Everything we do aims to make this world we live in a better place: our products and services, our relationships, our communications.
We align who we are with what we do
We don’t change who we are in order to do what we do. We’re the real deal.
We aim to bring back the human connection to marketing
As much as we love technology, we always prioritize the human connection in our marketing activities.
We see marketing as a creative process
We are in our flow when we turn on our right brains and take marketing from arduous to joyful!
We approach marketing from a place of abundance
We know that there is an abundance of clients waiting for us
We are gentle visioneers
We are part visionaries, part pioneers. We are a new species of gentle Souls who re-invent marketing (and business).
The 7Ps of Humane Marketing
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