In this episode of the Humane Marketing podcast, Sarah Santacroce is joined by Casey Gromer, a 20-year business and marketing expert, to discuss the difference between mission, vision, and passion. As the founder and Fractional Integrator at SHE-Suite Boutique, Casey is passionate about creating a more equitable landscape for women in business and removing common barriers that hold them back. In this conversation, Casey breaks down the big words like vision, passion, and mission and explains how they are all different. Listeners will learn how to work towards their vision, where goals come in, how to bring the big vision into marketing, and much more. Tune in to gain a clearer understanding of how to articulate your vision, describe your mission, and live your values on a daily basis.
"The vision articulates the future, the mission describes what you're doing to contribute to the achievement of that vision, and the values are how we live this out day to day." – Casey Gromer @sarahsantacroce #humanemarketing Share on XIn this episode, you’ll learn about the difference between mission, vision and passion, and…
- The big words like vision , passion and mission and how they are all different
- How to work towards your vision
- Where goals come in
- How to bring the big vision into the marketing
- Casey’s book ‘A Fresh Wave of Marketing’
- and much more
Listen in below (or scroll for the highlights or the full transcript):
So What’s The Difference Between Vision, Mission and Passion ?
The distinction between vision, mission, and passion lies in their roles within a business’s framework.
The vision is the forward-thinking, future-oriented depiction of success that outlines the desired change or impact. It serves as the ultimate destination, guiding the company’s direction.
On the other hand, the mission defines the specific actions and focus needed to contribute to the realization of the vision. It is the practical roadmap outlining how the company intends to achieve its broader goals.
Passion, is a deeply felt emotion or commitment that may drive the business but does not necessarily provide a tangible and detailed future outlook.
Passion fuels the journey, but the vision and mission provide the strategic structure and purpose that shape the business’s identity and actions.
"Passion fuels the journey, but the vision and mission provide the strategic structure and purpose that shape the business's identity and actions." – Casey Gromer @sarahsantacroce #humanemarketing Share on XAnd Where do Goals Come In?
Casey encourages entrepreneurs to align their goals with their values and the positive impact they aspire to create.
Casey emphasizes that goals are not just standalone achievements but integral components in the journey towards realizing one’s mission. By intertwining personal and professional aspirations, entrepreneurs can create a purpose-driven roadmap that goes beyond traditional success metrics. This holistic approach to goal-setting mirrors the broader theme of Humane Marketing, emphasizing the importance of weaving business goals with genuine human connections and making the world a better place.
"As a visionary entrepreneur you see the future, but getting there can be challenging. Sometimes it helps to partner with someone who perceives the world differently, offering insights on where to focus next in our journey." -… Share on X>> Read more about partnering with me as your Conscious Business Coach
How Do We Weave Our Vision Into Our Marketing?
Weaving your vision (or your worldview) into your marketing is more than just promotion; it’s about authentically expressing your mission and values. By integrating these core elements into your marketing strategies, you not only attract your ideal clients who align with your purpose but also foster a profound connection with your people. This genuine alignment goes beyond traditional marketing, creating a lasting impact in the hearts and minds of those you aspire to serve.
The 7Ps of Humane Marketing as a Roadmap to Your Vision
The 7Ps of Humane Marketing and its 1-Page Humane Marketing Plan is a roadmap for Changemakers who have a vision.
Rooted in reflection, they start with the P of Passion to think about our bigger WHY (another word for vision) and then continue to help us figure our very own Personal Power: what’s our story?, how are we wired?, what are our values and our worldview? Picture this journey as an exploration of our vision, mission, values and the unique strengths we bring to the table. By intertwining Passion, Personal Power, People and Partnership with traditional elements like Product, Price, and Promotion, the 7Ps of Humane Marketing carve a path that not only resonates with our ideal clients but also amplifies the impact of our business.
It’s a holistic approach, where every marketing decision reflects the depth of our commitment, echoing the principles of a truly humane and conscious business.
>> Read more about the 7Ps of Humane Marketing.
>> Read more about Marketing for Changemakers

Casey’s Resources
Download Casey’s Company Persona – Purpose, Focus, And Values Template
Female Founders Breaking Boundaries Podcast
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(FREE) Sarah Suggests Newsletter
(FREE) The Humane Business Manifesto
(FREE) Gentle Confidence Mini-Course
Marketing Like We’re Human – Sarah’s book
Authentic & Fair Pricing Mini-Course
Email Sarah at sarah@sarahsantacroce.com
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Imperfect Transcript of the show
Sarah: Hi, Casey. Good to speak to you today. I’m looking forward to our conversation after the conversation. We just,
Casey: sometimes those initial conversations are the most interesting. Sometimes I’m like, I wish we would have hit record.
Sarah: Exactly. We need to kind of do a, you know, bonus conversation. Yeah. [00:06:00] Release that after.
But yeah, today we’re going to be talking about. Difference between vision and passion. You kind of made this, your expertise in a way and help you know, female business owners with that
Casey: bigger vision. And,
Sarah: and so, yeah, I want to start right there because it does, those are two big words that we
Casey: hear a lot.
Sarah: But in fact, maybe we haven’t actually stopped to think about, well, what do they mean? And what’s the difference between the two. So can you enlighten us?
Casey: What’s the difference? Yeah. Okay. Well, so first of all, The work I do. We talk a lot about working with a visionary business owners and for anyone who has not heard this term, I’m, what’s called a fractional integrator and a fractional integrator comes into a business.
With the business owner or the visionary business owner. And our job is [00:07:00] to take someone who is a very big picture idea person with lots of passion. And I, and I like a forward thinking, you know, we’re tagging creative personality types, those people, traditionally, aren’t very organized and they’re not they’re a little bit scattered and they are amazing.
And what I started to notice is that I was taking calls from people who would say they wanted to work with an integrator. And so we would start diving into the work, which one of the first things that we do when we start working together is to create what’s called the business blueprint. And part of that business blueprint is articulating your vision, your mission and your values.
And one of the things I recognized. In some cases, we were having a really hard time getting to an actual vision. And so I noticed that there is a difference [00:08:00] in some cases between an actual vision and just having a passion for something. And so. One of the differences between having a vision and having a passion is that a vision is typically something, first of all, is forward thinking, right?
So you’re looking out into the future at something. And when you have a vision, one of the ways, you know, it’s a vision is your. I see the future. And you’re able to tangibly describe what that future looks like after you are successful. So a vision traditionally involves changing something. So maybe we’re changing.
You know, we’re changing our customers or we’re changing our community. We’re changing the world, the planet, whatever we’re making some sort of change to the way. Things operate. And a lot of times that vision might have some sort of social responsibility attached to it or making people’s lives easier.
And in any case, that’s what a vision is. [00:09:00] Now. When someone comes to me, And has a hard time articulating what that future vision looks like. That’s when I know we have a passion and a passion can be something that we feel really strongly about, and we just maybe don’t really know or understand where we want that to go.
And that doesn’t mean it’s bad, or you don’t have a business. It just means that your approach to the business is a little bit different. Versus, you know, if we have a vision and we, we definitely have like, there’s an end goal in sight. And as the integrator, we’re D we’re defining what those steps are to achieving that end goal.
And that’s how we operate. And with a passion, we don’t necessarily, we still have goals a little bit, but they’re less aligned to what the future looks like. I’m more aligned to what it looks like achieving this passion that you have. I
Sarah: love that. So it’s really like vision is the big picture, future oriented and kind of tied to maybe something external of your [00:10:00] business, not just internal or personal.
Absolutely. And then the passion. Yeah. You know what we usually understand on their passion. It’s just something that you’re very passionate about. And it doesn’t mean that it’s attached to the future or, or to something external that, and then you also brought in this other word, which is mission. And I think I might’ve been confusing vision with missions.
It what’s the difference between vision and mission and how.
Casey: You know, and they’re so closely tied together that it can I do that even still sometimes. And you’ll know a vision because there is a future state. So when you’re articulating a vision, you’re describing like, you’re, you’re like what’s a movie I saw recently where it was a future movie, but you’re basically describing the state of the world as it will be.
Yeah, 10 years from now or 20 [00:11:00] years from now, or a hundred years from now, or whenever, you know, that vision plays out. And a mission is more of, this is the focus that my company has to achieve that vision. And if I can use an example of really. I’ll use my own vision. For example, we are very centered on lifting up women in leadership.
We want more women leading companies. We want more women leading countries. We want more voices in that place of leadership. And so one of the one of the things I wrote down in my. My description of what my future would look like is hello, Madam president. So in the United States, we have never had a woman leading the country or a woman president.
And so if you think about your mission and achieving that, My company, she, sweet boutique is not directly going to be responsible for putting a woman in the president’s seat. Like that’s not our focus. However, the [00:12:00] work that we are doing is going to change the way that people view women and women’s voices.
So what is our focus going to be to make that happen? And so our focus is really on leading. Women owned businesses. And so that is how we are going to be lifting up women’s voices in leadership and making it more normalized to see a woman leading a seven or eight figure business.
Sarah: I love that. Yeah.
That, that makes a lot of sense. That kind of difference. I can’t guarantee that I won’t mix them up again, but it feels like I understood passion really well. Mission and vision. Yeah. I see the future in the vision because that, you know, it’s kind of in the word where the mission is like, well, what am I going to do?
It’s kind of like a more next steps for vision
Casey: is oriented thing. Yeah. And don’t feel bad because you know [00:13:00] what, that still happens to me sometimes too. Cause I’ll be talking to a client and I’ll have to stop and think. Are we talking like vision? Are we talking mission here? And the most important thing is not that it’s like, I mean, there’s, there’s a lot of gray area here.
And I think the most important thing is the purpose of having a mission and vision is to keep everyone, keep you focused and moving in the right direction and keep your team focused and moving in the right direction. So as long as those vision and mission gives your team members a clear sense of here’s what we’re here to accomplish.
And here’s how we’re going to go about doing that. Then I think, you know, let’s not split hairs. That’s a cliche term that we use.
Sarah: Talk about that then, because once we have the. Do we need those, you know, typical vision or mission statements that everybody talks about and are these helpful for companies or what’s the
Casey: alternative?
Yeah. Yes, they are helpful. And I think we [00:14:00] need to, a lot of us need to change the way we’re thinking about vision and mission. What I find is a lot of companies articulated vision and mission and they, and they articulate it in a way that is It’s like a marketing tool for them. So I I’m, you know, you can probably understand that where, oh, if we have like this vision and mission that people really connect with or, you know, it resonates with them and that’s not, I mean, that should be that your secondary motive for creating a vision and mission.
So the primary motive is internal based. We, so we use something called the company persona and the company personally. Basically your vision, mission and values, and the importance of having these as creating context for your team members so that they are looking at your business as if it is a person, right.
We’re trying to create personal, personalized, or personified qualities in the business. So that as [00:15:00] we’re thinking. About making decisions or talking on behalf of the company, we’re thinking in our head, like, who is this company as a person? What do they think? What do they believe? What do they value? How do they respond?
How do they act? How do they interact? And so it, it really brings the company to life and that’s the importance of having a vision and a mission is you’re, you’re changing from thinking. As a company or thinking in terms of intangible thinking, in terms of things like profits or money or dollars or sales or customers in your thinking, like what, you know, like what is this person and what is our goal in life?
Sarah: And I’m sure that applies, even if you’re a one person company, it just becomes much more personal. Yes. Yeah. And another big
Casey: word that just came up for me is purpose. [00:16:00] Yeah.
Sarah: That probably all fits in there. Where else?
Casey: Well, right. Yeah. We use purpose and vision interchangeably. So sometimes I use purpose because I think it’s easy.
Like it’s a word that we use more often and we understand it, like in our minds, A lot of sense, like, oh, I know what purpose is, purpose means this. And so if you think of your vision in terms of this is your purpose in life, then it makes a lot more sense. And the same thing goes for mission is we use, sometimes we use mission and focus.
Interchangeably. So once you know your purpose, then what is your company’s focus? Like how are you narrowing down what it is you’re delivering to the customer or to the audience that is kind of leading you or contributing to the achievement of your purpose in some way.
Sarah: So before you mentioned this kind of gimmicky approach to vision and mission statements where you just [00:17:00] put it out on your website and then you’re like, okay, check.
We did that. And so now are, you know, website visitors can see that we have such a good vision and mission. And so you would actually not recommend to have it on
Casey: the website at all, or what. No for sure. I mean, for sure you can put it on the website. I’m just suggesting that. Instead of looking at your vision and mission statement through the lens of how are people going to perceive me?
You look at it through the lens of what are we looking to achieve. So do that first, right? Because you have to be able to articulate to your teams and to your people. Okay. what is my purpose here? What am I doing before? You’re going out to customers. And the other reason that this is really important is that your, what you’re putting out to your customers has to align with what you’re doing as a team.
So if your vision says [00:18:00] one thing, but your actions. Don’t align with what that vision is. There’s a big disconnect and you’re actually going to create a bad experience for customers. And, you know, they’re going to be like, well, this isn’t, this, isn’t what the company is telling me about themselves. And so I don’t trust them anymore.
Yeah. The
Sarah: same thing applies to like these sustainability messages. Everybody is kind of just throwing on their websites now without actually, you know, having a team dedicated to it or doing the real work and being at home.
Casey: Held accountable as well. So you can’t do that. Otherwise it
Sarah: just doesn’t, you know,
Casey: you
Sarah: can’t even, even for me now, this phrase, you know, we want to change the world.
I’m like, yeah.
Casey: We all do, but show
Sarah: me, what are you doing? You know, I think it’s going to be in the [00:19:00] next 10 years. I think it’s going to be much more people want to actually see actions, not just here, beautiful phrases. Right. And
Casey: that’s where that deeper
Sarah: work is, is
Casey: required. Right. You know, and that’s one of the differences in how, how I approach this pro.
This tool, this process and how a lot of companies are approaching it. And one of the things I mentioned earlier is context, and you can have a vision and mission, right? And it can be a great vision and mission, but there has to be used some context behind it, because if you’ve ever gone to a company’s website or if you’ve ever worked for another company and they’re like, Hey, okay, we’ve checked the box.
Here’s our vision. And you look at that vision and, and you think to yourself, That’s awesome. I have no idea what that means. So it’s missing a lot of context. And so the company, you, even if it’s just you working with yourself, are you working with a couple of [00:20:00] people? That context is really important because we have to understand the story behind.
What does this mean? Why is this important? How does this look in. Operation. Right. And so that’s where the vision, mission and values work really hard together because the vision articulate the future, the mission describes what you’re doing to contribute to the achievement of that vision. And the values is here’s how we are living this out day to day.
So you mentioned, you know, the sustain stainable company. I had a very similar situation with a client where we had these sustainability values, but yet when we’re going to make decisions about the business, we weren’t prioritizing, like when a team member would prioritize something sustainable, it would get shot down because of cost or, you know, implementation or execution.
And that’s great. And we have to find a different way to contextualize [00:21:00] what we mean by sustainability. Let’s spell it. What does sustainability mean to us and how are we able to deliver on that versus just saying we’re going to deliver. Yeah.
Sarah: Yeah. So true. You have to first understand it before you can make it your vision or your mission.
Right? Because sustainability is one of these terms that we just kind of use left and right. Right.
Casey: Yeah. Everybody has their own definition. So, absolutely. And your values is something that you’re in your employees or your team members are going to be using, or you should be using every day to make decisions.
Does this decision align with my values? If it doesn’t do I need to change my values or do I need to do. My decision.
Sarah: Yeah. So before you mentioned the, that you’re working with people who are not the, you know, how did you call
Casey: it integrators? Yeah. Yeah. So they’re more like, okay,
Sarah: they have the big [00:22:00] passion.
Of course they have probably the vision.
Casey: And so how you help them with the
Sarah: vision and the, and the values, the mission. Do you still work with a business plan or where does it then become. Programmatic and let’s roll our sleeves back
Casey: to work. Yeah. Yes. So the very first thing is, you know, that vision, mission values and the, we toss some other things in there, like knowing who your target market is and understanding your value proposition.
Those are all very important too. And that’s all great. And we need to have that. And then kind of where the breakdown is just like, how do we turn this into. Reality, how do we make stuff happen? And so that’s where the business plan comes in and the vision is an integral part to that because the vision is like, okay, if this, if 10 years from now, we’re looking at, you know, 50% less carbon emissions, I’m making up a vision statement.
Now, [00:23:00] 50% less carbon emissions. And we’re looking at biodegradable plastics. And we’re looking at whatever that, you know, vision is that that looks like. The plan is. What’s the first thing, what’s the first thing we need to do to make that happen. And so you break that down into, you know, you’re not going to go from zero to 10 years from now in a quarter.
So we break it down into an annual goal or an annual plan and then a quarterly plan. And, and the hardest part I think is just figuring out what those next small steps are to help you get closer to. That fishing that’s where the business plan comes in. Yeah.
Sarah: And it sounds like the small steps we call them goals.
Right. And sometimes we confuse our goal with our vision. Yeah. It’s again, it’s not the same. The goals are really this small and probably more pragmatic steps. It’s like, here’s [00:24:00] what we need to, and oftentimes what we use there as the smart, you know, they have to be measured. Somehow so that we can actually say, yeah, we achieved this
Casey: goal
Sarah: or not where the vision, well, right now we don’t know if we’re going to achieve this vision because it’s
Casey: in the future.
Right. Great. And for, and for some business owners, especially if you’re a very visionary business owner, That, that is the hard part. I can’t see that path. I can see the future, but I can’t see how I’m getting there. And that’s when it’s kind of helpful to partner with somebody who sees the world a little bit differently than you so they can say, all right, so here’s where you need to focus next.
Sarah: Yeah. I think, I can’t remember the, the, the book where the. He, I think it’s an author who talks about this difference between the visionary and the integrator.
Casey: There’s a
Sarah: [00:25:00] about that, right? Yeah.
Casey: Well, since you’re on video here is it. Yeah.
Sarah: Rocket fuel. Yes. That’s
Casey: it? Yeah. Can you just have the awesome, yeah.
Yes. This is called rocket fuel and it’s got, it’s a dual author. It’s Gino Wickman, and Mark Winters, and they talk a lot about Their theory is there’s actually two people at the helm of a business and not just one and some of the traditional models you’re seeing, you know, just one person who’s the CEO and then all the people underneath.
And I think what Gino, Gino, Wickman and Mark Winters discovered is that a lot of the CEO type people are not. Cut out. That’s not their, their zone of genius to lead people and manage companies. There’s zone of genius is future thinking big innovation. Yeah. Yes, yes. And those people, as we understand, like Albert Einstein and, you know, some of these other geniuses [00:26:00] is they have these great ideas and they’re just not very good at executing them.
And so they’re suggesting. If that’s the type of person that you are. There’s two people at the helm of the business and one is the the innovators and then the other person is the get things done, person. And then when you pair them together, it’s like yin and yang. And you have like this whole person who is then going to catapult this company into success.
Yeah. Yeah. I love
Sarah: that. And that’s why if, if we’re alone in our business, it’s just always helpful to work with a coach who, who sees you from the outside and who can kind of. Maybe you have the vision, and I’m not saying that the coach is going to have the vision for you, but the coach is going to help you get to that vision or have an even bigger vision for you that maybe
Casey: you can’t even see.
Yes. I was just going to say, you know, for, as a fractional integrator, we work with bigger businesses, [00:27:00] you have teams and if you’re a solo person and you’re in this kind of visionary, Dilemma of, I have this idea. I’m not sure what to do with it. Next, a coach is the perfect next step to help you break down that vision into here’s where you need to focus next kind of kind of a thing.
Sarah: Yeah. Cause I do feel that some, I sometimes work with clients who have. A lot of great ideas. Right. And then oftentimes, because they’re also the door, they start telling us too many different things and then we need to really kind of like focus it back. And then I think you mentioned that as well, focus, you know, like what are the, the
Casey: three
Sarah: things that you’re going to focus on to get to that vision?
Because otherwise you spread
Casey: yourself too thin. Exactly. You won’t get there. Yeah. Yeah. And just to be clear, you know, if you are someone who’s working by yourself, just know that as you grow and get [00:28:00] bigger and expand those problems, don’t actually change. So I think the term is different level, different devils, so it stays the same.
So there’s a lot of CEOs of companies that have that same struggle that those of us who are a single solo business. Hap so we’re all people. Yeah.
Sarah: And on the other hand, so we talked about the coach, but another idea of course, is to get help in the execution. So you work with a, you know, a virtual assistant or you will hire a team member and then they do more of the execution.
So you get to have more space to do the big thinking. Yes,
Casey: absolutely. Yeah. For someone who is kind of a innovator or a very, I like to call them creative thinkers because that’s really who they are. Some type of assistant, whether it’s a virtual assistant or an executive assistant can be an amazing.
First hire for you because they are [00:29:00] basically an extension of you only organized. So yeah, that’s a definite way to take a step towards getting things done and getting them off your plate. Yeah.
Sarah: Yeah. I love that. Yeah. So there’s this question in my head that I keep thinking, well, can you actually have a business without a vision or a vision statement?
You know,
Casey: how would that look like? Yeah. And you know what? I can’t remember exactly what episode it is, but I have a podcast called female founders, breaking boundaries, and I have an episode on passion. I think it’s called passion is not a vision or something like that. And it talks about the difference between passion and vision.
And it gives some examples of how you do have, or can have a. Based on passion and not vision. And there’s a lot of very successful businesses today who are based on passion and not vision. Not every business’s out to change the world, right? Sometimes you’re just [00:30:00] capitalizing on an opportunity or you’ve recognized a gap in the market and you’re doing that.
And, you know, an example might be. I’m making car parts. I mean, I don’t know how many of your listeners make car parts, but you know, it’s kind of a straightforward thing. We’re going to go to work. We’re going to make car parts. We’re going to make some money. We’re going to pay some employees. Now you could have a vision right.
With your business, or you could also just go to work and I’m really passionate about help, you know, making cars last longer. And so that’s what we’re going to do and that’s perfectly fine. And it works. Yeah, it’s just the way you structure organized and operate day-to-day is just a little bit different than if you are a vision oriented company.
Sarah: I’m glad you say that because, because my Mandalah of humane. It doesn’t have vision in it. And so I’m like, oh, but I sometimes call my people. I created a new word called vision
Casey: near. So it’s like a [00:31:00]
Sarah: pioneer slash visionary, but there is no vision in the seven PS of humane marketing, but, but the passion, that’s where we start and, and, and I think you’re right.
Casey: people, they
Sarah: will have this vision on top of things and others, they will just find.
Casey: You know, make
Sarah: a business out of the passion or find passion in the business that there is what I, I think you can’t, or it wouldn’t be very sustainable and much fun to have
Casey: a business without passion, right?
Sarah: Where the vision.
Optional and, you know, obviously great have it.
Casey: Yeah. I was reading about your Mandalah and, and I love it. And it’s, it’s similar to a little infographic I created as well. Yours is, has definitely more spokes on it than mine does. And one of the things you might do. If, you know, at some point, vision does become [00:32:00] important is that the little center spoke you have there, that’s where I’ve put vision.
So if you do have a vision, that’s really where it goes. It’s the central hub of everything that you do. So you know, that’s one way to think about it. So
Sarah: for us, the, the center spot is, is, are. Ah, market from within then everything. Yeah,
Casey: it looks that makes a lot of fairs too. I think in both ways, they’re very similar because if you think of a vision, it does come from yourself, right.
That is your vision. Nobody else has that vision. And that’s what makes you the leader of the company is that you were holding that vision and it’s, it comes from self. So I love it. I really, really dug for that connection there. That’s
Sarah: amazing. I want to quickly, before we start to wrap up also mention your marketing book because, you know,
Casey: Have kind of this background in [00:33:00] marketing
Sarah: and you wrote a book a fresh wave of marketing, an intentional approach to marketing for visionary CEOs.
So tell us a little bit about that book and, you know, kind of knowing you now for almost an hour, I can tell that you kind of are part of our people. You think marketing definitely needs to be different, so. Tell us what this fresh wave of
Casey: marketing looks like. Yeah. Okay. So before I kind of switched, focuses to becoming the fractional integrator person I was I was a fractional CMO and.
One of the things that was happening to me as I was bringing on clients is that our expectations were not aligned. And so I started out this book, started out as a workbook, really for clients. So I would send this workbook to them so they could kind of get a sense of, this is how we’re going to start this work.
And when I was done with this [00:34:00] workbook, it was like, I don’t know, 25,000, 30,000 words or something. Yeah. I’m thinking to myself, I could probably drop this on Amazon. And so that’s how the book came about is everything that we’ve talked about in this episode today about your vision, mission values. And then, you know, there’s some other components of what we call our business blueprint.
The target audience. There’s even some stuff in there about customer journey, which I know you just recently had an episode on customer journey, but it’s all these components of marketing that make your marketing stand out and marketing is about relating to the customer and humanizing that relationship, which is, I think we get along so well.
So yeah, you can grab that book off of Amazon and it’s kind of a down and dirty. Like get your hands dirty and implement kind of things. So by, after reading the book, you should be able to kind of draft your own vision, mission values, [00:35:00] and get a head, start on, figuring out what kind of marketing. Makes sense for you.
Sarah: Yeah, it’s great. This has been absolutely delightful.
Casey: Thank you so
Sarah: much for coming onto this show. Do tell us where people can find you. Yeah. I think you have a free download as well to take this
Casey: further you integrations of Telus all above. Yeah. Yeah, I am so passionate about getting the mission, vision values, right.
That I haven’t a lot of different places. So in addition to getting a fresh wave of marketing off of Amazon, I’d love for you to come over and visit the podcast at female founders, breaking boundaries. I’m on all the. Podcast platforms. And if you’d like to get a little background or have in writing more of what we talked about today, how to come out with your, you know, your ideal vision, mission, and values and articulate that you can go to our [00:36:00] website@shi-sweetboutique.com backslash humane, and we have, you know, a little worksheet to kind of guide you as you’re thinking through your vision, mission values.
I love that.
Sarah: Thank you so much. And I actually do want to ask you two more things. If you don’t mind what’s your vision of the future of business? Like where do you see business change and evolve into over the next 10 years? We’re kind of, I feel at this. Kind of fork, you know, I was like, it could even go that way or that way.
Casey: where do you think it’s going to go? I’m like how long is this podcast? I can make a whole episode out of this, so I’ll try to keep it really precise. For, for a long time now I’ve felt that there was this gap in the small business market. You have small business owners who are at a disadvantage. A variety of different reasons, which we won’t get into on this podcast, but I’ve often [00:37:00] felt like this is where the future of our economy is, is in small business and making these small businesses successful as compared to these huge corporate conglomerates.
And so I think the future of businesses heading towards ways to. Put more focus on small businesses for a variety of reasons for employees and employee benefits. I think small benefits for small businesses are, you know, going to employ. People people are going to be focused more on enjoying their job, enjoying their work.
So whether you’re an employee of a small business or a small business owner, people are going to be paying attention to the tr treatment and the work-life balance. And so I think that’s kind of the future of small businesses is we’re going to start trying to remove some of those obstacles and boundaries for business owners so that, you know, we have more options.
People can. Not be required to live in huge cities in order to [00:38:00] get paid money to live life. You know, we’re going to start spreading out and I’m doing more at different levels.
Sarah: Yeah, that, that makes so much sense. Also what you just said about the cities. I truly believe that people aren’t going to move away from these big, expensive cities and, and that’s only possible of course, if there is employment in the smaller cities and towns.
Yes. Unless we all do, you know, work from home, but. That might be a future addition or who knows. Maybe it will kind of be part working from home and partly going into the small business, but wouldn’t that be wonderful. They would also be less
Casey: traffic, less cars because yeah, we don’t need to all be in the big city anymore.
Right. And as devastating as this pandemic. Then I think one of the outcomes that we might, you know, be thankful for is that we’ve, we’ve always had this opportunity [00:39:00] existed with our technology today and the pandemic sort of forced a lot of us to consider different ways of looking at how we. Are employed or looking at how we run our businesses and now the hard part’s over, we’ve figured that out.
And so I think now there’ll be more chance or it’s going to be easier for us to look at it differently now that we’ve kind of gotten over the hump of figuring out how to make that work and how to use that technology. Yeah, totally
Sarah: agree. Last question. What are you grateful for today or this
Casey: week? You know, what I am grateful for?
I am grateful for technology. So one of the things I talk about on my podcast is how women in many cases, shoulder, so much more mental load, that some of the things that. Easily to other people. We have to work a lot harder for like owning our own business because [00:40:00] I’m a mom and I am grateful for technology and the opportunity to run a small business so that I have the chance to take my boys to boy Scouts after school and to be able to take them to the dentist on Thursday and see.
I’m still able to be a mom and run my business at the same time. I like that.
Sarah: Yeah. Wonderful. Thank you so much for coming onto the show. It’s been a pleasure to talk to you.
Casey: Thank you, Sarah.