How Catarina Strickler stepped into visibility because she understood that she was worthy of being seen !

“ This experience taught me to be more assertive and affirmative and take up space to be seen.”

This is a Case Study with Catarina Strickler, participant of the Marketing Like We’re Human aka The Client Resonator program. To find out more about the program, click here

Case Study Snapshot

Catarina Strickler is a holistic energy worker with a passion for helping humans (as well as animals) restore their flow and bridge between their conscious and unconscious.

Catarina and I had a great and authentic conversation, outside at the Lake of Geneva, about her experience of going through the Marketing Like We’re Human aka ‘The Client Resonator’ program. You can watch the full video below , or scroll down to read the shorter version.

Catarina Strickler – Masseuse and Energy Worker

Why Marketing Like We're Human aka 'The Client Resonator'?

I asked Catarina where she was before starting on the Marketing Like We’re Human journey:

“I was in the middle of yet another marketing program, in a really bad place. Nothing they shared resonated me and instead I felt pushed against a giant iron wall. 
While complaining and crying on the shoulders of a friend, she told me about you.”

Here’s what Catarina was looking for:

“My intention was to be more visible. And do marketing in a fair way. I don’t want to push someone into buying something by pretending or forcing or inducing a fake reason or a fake need. I wanted to learn how to do that, in a gentle and humane way.”

"The Marketing Like We're Human program empowered and filled me with self-esteem to do things in marketing that feel aligned and easy - and leave the other things for other people."

- Catarina Strickler

The results

I asked Catarina who she has become and why that makes her happy:

“I feel confident. I feel empowered. I feel worthy.”

“I’m excited about using more technology in my marketing, which always overwhelmed me with fear before.”

Tangible results include:

"The program is beautiful. I loved the structure as well as your availability"

- Catarina Strickler

Final thoughts

It has been wonderful to watch Catarina’s transformation from fear to assertiveness. 

Here are Catarina’s last thoughts:

“In the Marketing Like We’re Human aka The Client Resonator program I felt heard and seen. I wasn’t just lost somewhere, one participant of many. I mattered. 
This made me feel worthy, that I am visible. That I have something to say – because I lived it with you. ”

Thank you Catarina for sharing !

Update after 6 months

After 6 months Catharina and I exchanged on WhatsApp and she told me how thrilled she is with the new online calendar that we installed on her website and that she’s getting many more bookings through that. And just the other week a new client told her that she signed up with her because of what she read in Catharina’s About Page! Yay!

If Catarina’s experience got you curious about the VIP option of the Marketing Like We’re Human program then let’s talk!
Check out the details and scroll to the bottom of that page to book a call with me.

Or if you’d like to read another case study about the group program experience and participants, then check out Adam Kawalec or Myriam Martinez’s or Rachael Cumberland-Dodd‘s experience.

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