Today I’m chatting with my friend Jen Corcoran about how to make your passion part of your business. Jen and I have known each other many years as we are both LinkedIn specialists – and we even met once in real life in London. Most recently we hosted the ‘LinkedIn Like We’re Human’ workshop together which was so fun and people absolutely adored it. In case you missed it you can buy the recording of that 75-minute masterclass for only $27.
Jen Corcoran is an award-winning LinkedIn expert. Known as ‘The Super Connector’ and one of the UK’s most successful LinkedIn trainers, she helps thousands of people thrive online through her online courses, consulting, workshops and talks.
Jen helps female entrepreneurs to increase their confidence on LinkedIn by teaching them how to super boost their LinkedIn profile and connect with finesse in order to raise their brand, attract more clients and make more money in a holistic and human way. She is passionate about human design and is a Generator 1/3.
"The thing that will make you different is this passion, this love for something. That will be the thing that will actually draw people to you." – @sarahsantacroce #humanemarketing Share on XIn this episode, you’ll learn about how to make your passion part of your business as well as…
- Jen’s recent brand transformation – and personal awakening
- Her new ‘niche’ that mirrors who she is and how she sees the world of business
- How she also brought her passion for Human Design into her LinkedIn work
- How knowing more about their design helps her clients show up on LinkedIn
- What has changed for her since this transformation, how she communicates differently
- How she lives her new ‘brand’ on LinkedIn? What kind of posts etc?
- Her advice to listeners if they would like to combine one of their passions with their work but don’t know where to start.
- And so much more
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Sarah: Hey Jen, so good to speak to you.
Jen: Lovely to see you, Sarah. Thanks for having me on today.
Sarah: Yeah, thank you. Feel like we just spoken and we did LA we just hosted that, , workshop on LinkedIn, like we’re human together last week. Right. And so yeah. Great. We decided, Okay. You know, it’s a good idea to also, , kind of host a podcast.
But with a bit of a different angle. So we’re not actually gonna talk too much about LinkedIn, even though Yeah. That’s what you do for a living. But I’m super curious, , about this transformation that I feel like you’ve gone through in the last, would you say a year or, or so?
Jen: Yeah, definitely a year and definitely this whole year.
So 2022.
Sarah: Yeah. Yeah. So from just seeing and also our conversations via email, but also just seeing your, your posts on LinkedIn, you can kind of see from the outside. Ah, Jen [00:01:00] has been going through some transformation, you know, some in their work, but then that was also reflected in your brand.
Right. So kind of tell us about, Transformation, what led you to it? Probably and, and yeah. Where, what you’re doing now.
Jen: Yeah. I think it’s just, I think when you are a business owner, you’re always doing some kind of personal development work to, to get better. Within yourself that will help your business as a whole.
So I think just from coaching and networking, I’ve met some really interesting people over the last few years and one of them was a specialist in human design and I had a mini human design reading where, and I was like, Wow, this is really interesting. I wanna explore more. So got really nerdy. You recommended a great book to me, which I read, and I did a course and kind of dipping my toe in more and more and more and started to do mini [00:02:00] readings from my clients.
, so yeah, if just from networking, I met an amazing human design specialist. I’ll give her a shout out. Nicole Leno, and she’s got an amazing podcast as well. And uh, yeah, she kind of triggered that kind of part of me and. Another thing I discovered over the last year or two during the Covid times really , was that I’m a highly sensitive person, which was pretty eye-opening.
I never real, I knew I was a bit sensitive, but I, I had no idea that one in five people was like me. I always thought I was a bit of an oddball on my own and kind of, you know, tried to mirror everybody else around me. Finding out that one in five, you know, whether their male or female is highly sensitive, was just like an epiphany moment.
And it was like,
Sarah: where did you say, one out
Jen: of five? Yeah, 20%. Wow. Which I never realized. I, I thought they’re not, you know, there can’t be that many people like me out there, or that’s how I felt. Yeah. So it was really freeing and I was just, Where are these people? Because [00:03:00] I don’t really see them, especially on LinkedIn.
, there’s more of that kind of hustle bro marketing approach. And I was like, we’re all sensitive people. I wanna connect with them. All the impacts. So I think, yeah, the combination of the HS p and then the human design have led to my epiphany .
Sarah: Yeah. Yeah. No, totally. And that’s exactly, I loved, loved it so much how you kind.
You know, it made your, uh, , audience participate in that discovery because you were like posting things on LinkedIn. , did you know this about HSPs and so , There’s probably a fair amount of your, , followers who discovered at the same time as you did that they are, , highly sensitive people.
Yeah, it was really interesting to watch that transformation. And, to me, from the outside looking in, it looks. Your ideal client is now kind of a twin of you or a mirror of [00:04:00] you? . It’s
Jen: me, . It’s basically another sensitive, so I either an inch pair an empire or a highly sensitive person.
So because I just think I didn’t have these role models when I was, you know, starting off in business or going into the online space, I modeled. The nonsense of people. And yes, it’s worked to a point, but I, yeah, I just wouldn’t like really represent the other side of things because I think as sensitives, we are the kind of the quiet nurturers in the background who are not necessarily making the most noise and we’re always trying to spotlight other people and , , Nurture from afar.
So I feel like yeah, kind of a responsibility to get that side of things out there and to, you know, be somebody for the other sensitives to relate to as well. Because I think a lot of the, the traditional, like non sensitive marketing made me feel like a bit of a failure. It was like I could do it to a point, and then it was [00:05:00] like, why isn’t this working for me?
I feel like I’m banging my head against a wall. Why does this feel gross? Yeah. Or why can’t I do this? Is it because I’m so sensitive? And then you kind of realize, oh, there is another way of doing things . Yeah, totally. But just put that out
Sarah: there. Yeah. Yeah. How do you feel right now with your new brand?
Because like if you talk. Typical thing of nicheing, , Yeah. You know, how do you define your niche? And, and now really in your words, it’s like, well, I am my best ideal client. And so often I have, , kind of new people in business telling me is that even okay? Can we, you know, look at it that way?
And I’m like, Yeah, for sure. Because we are creating the solution that we never saw out there. So, So do you see it that way as well?
Jen: Yeah, definitely. And I think for a long time I’m very much an accidental business owner. I never set out [00:06:00] to, to intentionally do this, and it happened by accident. So I think for the first year of my business There wasn’t a lot of attention behind what my brand was and who I stood for, and I was helping everyone. And then it got to a point when it was like, Okay, who do I intentionally wanna work with? And then I was, you know, still not super focused. And then it’s got to the stage where, who do I like working wear?
And it’s okay to choose the people that I like because for me, energy is super important and. I’m sure we’ve all had experiences when we’ve worked with the wrong people and your energy is totally depleted, like mentally, physically. And I think it got to that point where I thought, you know what, Who says being in business can’t be fun?
Who says I can’t work with the people that I want to, who can give me energy and I can give them energy? So it’s kind of, it’s taken me a long time. I wish I’d. Got to this realization in the first year of my business, but I think it’s taken like five years to actually go, Do you know what? I have the right to choice.
It’s my business, my rules, and these are the people I choose to support. [00:07:00] Yeah. Um, I think when you first start, you just wanna help everyone, but then you’re a bit too generic and a bit too vague, and you’re ultimately not helping. And you’re not helping yourself either because you’re not reaching or connecting with the right people.
Sarah: Right? Yeah. No, totally. So, so to me, you really kind of applied humane marketing because not only did you bring more of you to your marketing, so the H S P aspect, but then you also brought in your passion, which is the human design, right? So, yeah. Yeah, really combining things that we think is just.
Fitting into the business world. Did you ever ask yourself that question? Can I? Yeah. Who am I to do that?
Jen: Yeah, definitely. And I struggled with it and. , initially, especially with the, Yeah, well, both of them. It was like, Oh, if I start saying I’m as sensitive, well people think, Oh, I don’t wanna work with her , what does that mean?
And I think there’s a lot of misconceptions about, like, do people think I’m constantly [00:08:00] crying and it’s like, I don’t, I don’t cry that much. I cry on something sad, you know, obviously, but I’ve, I’m not like this overly emotional person, but I think when you say sensitive a lot, there’s a lot of misconceptions out there with certain terms and they don’t know what that means.
So I think for me, I. Explore what that meant as well. What were the pros, what were the cons? And then I started to realize, oh, my sensitivity, the fact that I am an empath is my superpower because I can genuinely like support and nurture those clients that need that help, as opposed to just that, just do it.
Approach and people are left kind like, Oh, I need a bit more support, more engagement, more accountability. So it took me a while to kinda lean into that. And then especially with the human design, I did struggle thinking, Woo, is this a bit too woo for people? And then I had to really like at myself and go, You know what?
Who says it can’t be a bit woo? And then it was like, I think I felt like I’d been. Putting myself in a box, like a marketing box [00:09:00] like everyone else. But it didn’t feel quite right. And having discovered the human design, it was like, well, this is the missing piece. And actually, if people know me on a, on an individual level, I’ve always been quite you.
Woo. And I remember even being like, you know, 10 years old and buying books. Capricorn, what does it mean to be a Capricorn? And then, you know what, whatever 20 yard get my life chart read and I am into this kind of thing. So it’s been, it’s been really interesting integrating this and I, and I’m not fully there yet.
I’m very much a work in progress and it’s. It’s actually typical of my human design. I’ve learned I’m the type of person has to investigate, do a lot of research, and I’m doing that at the moment. I’ve given myself the goal of a hundred mini human design readings from my clients, and I think. Once I’ve ticked off that box in my head, then I’ll transition more, a lot more into the, into that in the marketing.
So I’m very much in my reset. I wish, [00:10:00] I wish I wasn’t one of the, the, like the, the investigators that have to kind of do this, but this is my personality . I have to dig deep before I’ve got the confidence. Now I’ve, I know I’ve done the research, I’ve done all. Did. Now I feel like I’m gonna talk about this.
Whereas I know there’s lots of other people who are just like, Okay, I’m an expert. I’ve done one reading, and here I go. Whereas I have, I feel personally and according to my design, I have to do it the long way. Yeah, it’s very much a work in progress, but I’m getting there. I’ve done, like, I’ve done 75 mini readings over the summer, which has been really exciting.
, I’ve, it’s been great getting to learn everybody’s personality, , their makeup and getting their feedback too. And, you know, hearing that it resonates so much, even from like a simple little reading.
Sarah: So how do you combine the two then? Are these still LinkedIn clients and you’re just using the human design as kind of a, a way to discover their superpower?
Or are they coming [00:11:00] to you only for human design?
Jen: No, they’re, they’re definitely LinkedIn clients, and then I’ve done a few Guinea things with friends and family as well. So I’m incorporating it really in terms of. Content and sending dms and what feels natural. So it’s very much a, a mini human design reading.
I’m not saying, Oh, I’m the ultimate human design expert. It’s just, I’ve taken a kind of a flavor of it, like what I think is really interesting in terms of online marketing and feeding that back. And I think it’s given people so much. Insight and then freedom to be themselves and realize, wow, we’re not all born to just do it and manifest and initiate
Yeah. And I think that that makes a lot of people feel like failure because there’s like, Why can’t I just do it? And then you kind of read their design and you’re like, Ah. Cause you’re not built to just do it. It’s not
Sarah: being right. Yeah. I, And I love that. I love how. [00:12:00] Call it a mini reading because you’re saying, you know, like you said, you know, others go to human design school and I think it takes like a, I don’t, can’t remember how long, but it, it’s pretty intense.
And so you’re like, No, I’m passionate about this and I know enough to be able to tell you. You know, this is your design and this is how I think now you can use it in, you know, your showing up on, on LinkedIn and, and it’s similar to what we do in the marketing, like we’re human program and the P of Personal Power.
I go, you know, I show them about human design, I show them about the ENEA grant, like everything. We’re like, okay, let’s just do a lot of personality assessments to really figure out how we’re wired and who we are. Yeah. And because like, Showed. And, and that’s why I, I loved having you on for this is it’s like when you know who you are and how you’re wired, then you can really market from within and just show up, [00:13:00] right?
Jen: Yeah. And um, you remind me that I have got a book on any grand I’ve yet to read cuz I like you, I love anything to do with this. So I’ve done all the disc, the Myers break. That is on my reading list and yeah, it’s another good one. Another one to explore.
Sarah: Exactly. Yeah. So what do you feel like has changed, since this transformation?
Like do you feel like in your LinkedIn post you show up differently, more confident or. What has changed? Yeah. I think I’m
Jen: just more confident in myself. It’s taken away a lot of stress about feeling, and I had to act one way and having that inner struggle, but not quite understanding why I had that inner struggle.
because I could do a lot of like nonsensitive things or things that are against my design, but, you know, knowing deep down that things didn’t feel. Completely a hundred percent good . And so it’s made me kind of go, Oh, okay. That’s why that doesn’t feel good because my design as a generator is that I’m built [00:14:00] to respond and I, it totally makes sense when I learn that, you know, I can go on LinkedIn any minute of the day and I can respond and do a comment to any post because that’s just who I am.
And I like giving my opinion and I like sharing like that. And I just, To be in response. So that’s really been eye opening as opposed to this kind of, you know, initiation, constantly creating content. I can do it, you know, but I have to be in response to something. So it could be a. We did our amazing workshop on, you know, LinkedIn.
Well, we’re human and I’ll think back and go, Okay, what were the questions that people were asking me? And then I’ll go out and make content in response. Mm-hmm. to that. And that feels good because they’re general, you know, FAQs, the questions, answers. Whereas I did struggle with just creating content, you know, out of nowhere.
So I think, yeah, once you know, Your makeup, like what feels good for you, then you can, Then you can, Yeah. You just feel a lot more free, a lot more happy at [00:15:00] ease. Whereas before, yeah, I just felt a bit more in a box and a bit more pressurizing and I was like, Why can’t I do this the way the others do ? And at the surface I probably looked like I was, you know, doing it the same, but it just didn’t feel as good deep down.
Sarah: Yeah, yeah. Yeah. , I feel like. We’re talking about the worldview a lot in humane marketing. Like instead of maybe narrowing down your niche, so specifically I, I say bring your worldview to your marketing. do you feel like, Openly saying, you, you talked about the woo does that feel like, okay, this is part of my worldview.
That’s just how I see things, and whether you agree with that or not, I don’t care because this is where I stand for. Yeah.
Jen: Yeah. I think it’s important to bring yourself and your two personality to your marketing, because you’ll never. , you want to attract the right people and you wanna repel the wrong people.
Mm-hmm. . So if somebody doesn’t like the woo, they’re not my ideal client, and that, and [00:16:00] that’s fine. You know? , so I think it’s about just leaning into that and realize you are never gonna attract everyone anyway. And, and. Thinking, Well, who do you wanna attract? And if you speak their language, they will come to you.
The other people won’t be interested. But they will have a very different worldview and a very different way of thinking. Cause I know the two of us, we have a big focus and passion about. Showing up as a human being. So I’d say we’re both more excited than the algorithm and the stats and the, the kinda analytical side of it.
Obviously we know about it, but it doesn’t light me up. We’d ra like, we’d rather a human approach and I think people who resonate with that will come to us. Whereas if somebody is more, you know, interested in the algorithm and the figures, there will be another trainer or consultant that will be the best fit for them and that’s fine.
They’re not my adding client . So I think it’s kinda, yeah. , just realizing that you will actually be a lot happier in your business. You will [00:17:00] attract. Far better clients if you lean into who you are. And I know initially I was afraid to do it because you’re looking at everyone else and you have feeling you have to be this perfect version of you and then you realize it’s kind of all built on a lie.
And I think that’s how I felt with my business. I’d won all these awards, but I just felt all a bit fake. It was kind of like, I’ve done your way of marketing, I can do it, but deep doesn’t resonate at all. It’s like, and it didn’t, you know, I didn’t always attract the right people to me, and that’s why, because I was perpetuating one kind of type of marketing that wasn’t fully in alignment.
So I think, yeah, it’s just realizing is, is okay to show up as yourself, you know, Woo. Warts and all, you know, and, and you, you’ll feel a lot freer and. That will, you will attract the right people then because the right energy will go out.
Sarah: Before you said, you know, you wish you’d known five years ago. And, and, and I definitely [00:18:00] feel the same.
Do you feel like. Sometimes I’m confused. I feel like maybe it’s almost like you have to go through this in order to figure out who you are. Yeah. But at the same time, I would like, , for new business owners to kind of take the shortcut and just start with that. But it’s, I seem to hear that story over and over again.
I wish I’d known, you know, when I, I kind of went. That direction first until I came back and came full circle. What’s the, Yeah, what’s your take
Jen: on this? I think it, I think everybody just needs to read your books. . Thanks. You know, the marketing book and the selling book, because I think people just need to know there are different options out there, you know, because, We don’t all fit in the same box, but sadly, a lot of people who have louder voices get their kind of boxes out there, and you think that that’s the norm.
Whereas there are like quite earth boxes, , you know, more sensitive sides. So I think it’s [00:19:00] important to, to just spotlight that there are different ways and different types of people, different types of personalities, different types of makeup. , and sadly, a lot of that wasn’t out there, and I’m so grateful for you writing your books and starting this conversation and starting your marketing circle and getting the conversation out there because I think more people need to hear it because.
Yeah, there’s a lot of, it’s, you know, there’s so many people looking on LinkedIn and it’s like, why are they looking? They’re probably sensitive. They’re probably like us kinda going, Oh, I’m not sure if this resonates with me. This feels a bit too much. So yeah, I think it’s important to, to get this message out there because we don’t want people to.
Go to the, you know, the pain. Yeah, yeah, the pain. But I suppose, like you say, sometimes is worth it. It’s like a diamond. It has to be crushed, doesn’t it? To, you know, have as brilliance in the end. And I suppose you appreciate. The journey when you’re at the end of it. I don’t, can’t say I appreciated it [00:20:00] in the hard times, but, I suppose that’s what we do.
We’ve done the journey in the hard times, and I don’t want everybody to have to go through this if they can avoid
Sarah: it. Yeah. So you’re, you’re, what you’re saying is you think it’s still like that for a lot of people who are just starting. They take some kind of, I, you know, hear it from a lot of coaching.
They get their coaching, degree or accreditation. And then immediately even in the school, they tell ’em, Oh, there’s this and this marketing program. And usually they’re the big. Big giant programs, Right. That we all know who we’re talking about. Yeah. And they’re exactly, They’re just kind of get fit into this box or funnel or whatever.
Yeah. And then, yeah, they’re like, Oh, I didn’t know I was gonna have to do this marketing thing. That really doesn’t feel good. . Yeah.
Jen: Yeah. I think so many bus, I mean, I was naive when I first launched. I was like, Oh, here’s my website today. And I just thought, Oh, they’re all so booking in. Sales calls. I [00:21:00] don’t need sales calls.
I’m an introvert. They’re just gonna book to my website and they’re gonna email me. And it was kinda like, , no , you have to get like your voice out there and attract people to your website. So it is very much a learning lesson. And I think a lot of business owners, we did not go into business to be doing, the marketing side of things or the selling side of things.
So yeah, I. And there’s, I’ve heard of so many horror stories, like you said, about big programs where there’s very much a methodology that’s the, the lead coach’s way. But quite often the lead coach is quite unique in their makeup or their personality or their human design. So it’s not easily like replicated with the people that sign up because they’re completely different.
You know, mindset wise, mentality wise, make you know, completely different types of people. But they kind of perpetuate that this is the only, the only way to do it. And that’s why a lot of people fall out of love with LinkedIn or the online [00:22:00] space, cuz they’re just like, Oh, it’s too hard. but yeah, they kind of push this method as the only way and.
I have heard about people just doing things that didn’t resonate and then just writing off LinkedIn or writing off the online space, which is quite sad. , which I think is important. Like that’s why it’s so important to have your, your voice out there, your message out there, your books out there.
Sarah: Mm.
Thank you, Jen. Yeah. What, what do you say to someone who’s listening and, you know, they’re thinking about this idea of the passion? Maybe it’s, woo, maybe it’s, yeah, maybe it’s not. Woo. Maybe it’s just something that they’re doing as a hobby. , and they, that they really love and they’re like, I wish I could.
You know, do more of this. And I think really that’s what, where we’re heading, I’m always talking about this new business paradigm, but that’s what I mean by the new business paradigm is like, how do we combine, , these things? I don’t even buy into the conversation of, you know, you’re not really running a business.
It is a hobby. I’m like, Well, what [00:23:00] if one can be the other? It’s just like, why do we have to define. One as a hobby and the other one as a business. Yeah. What if we just not talk about making a life or making a living? You know, like, yeah, we all ne have bills to pay. We need to provide for ourselves, but we just need to figure out what we can do That A, brings us joy, but also, you know, somehow pays the bills.
So yeah. What would you say to someone who’s like, I have. Passion for something, but it has nothing to do with what I do for a living. You know? What would you tell them? How did you go about thinking, What if I bring this in?
Jen: I would just say lean into it a hundred percent. And I know somebody said it to me like five and a half years ago.
Do something you love. And I was like, Yeah, yeah, yeah. And I kind of brushed it off and I was like, Oh, I like LinkedIn, whatever. And I didn’t fully listen to them and it’s taken me five years to come around. So definitely, incorporate that. [00:24:00] They don’t have to be two separate things, as Sarah is saying, and you’re gonna need some kind of point of differentiation.
I think at the, at the start, we’re all like, What’s my usb? What’s my usp? And there’s a lot of it that crosses over everybody else’s usp. But I think it’s the thing that will make you different is this passion, you know, this love for something. That will be the thing that will actually draw people to you, which I would never have thought of, you know, five years ago.
I would just think, Well, you’re willing to train, you’re gonna come, I’m gonna chat about LinkedIn. Why would I chat about anything else? So I would fully lean into it and you might surprise yourself with, you know, the opportunities and. People buy people, but it’s, it’s that passion and energy and I know kind of leaning into human design has reignited my love of LinkedIn.
Mm-hmm. , which is probably dwindling a little bit because of that Bro hustle marketing. I was like, oh God, you know, It was a way for me to kind of go, okay, if I do a bit of [00:25:00] this and a bit of that, It just, yeah, it’s re-energized me and my business, and I’m a lot more excited to work with people one to one and kick things off with the human design reading, you know?
So I would say, yeah, fully lean in, Don’t discount any of your passions because they can be the thing that makes you stand out and be memorable. Top of mind. So, yeah, lean into it and you never know, like, who’s to say your passion can’t make you money. Like, you know, I think we all have this idea, and I know I did that.
You know, business is hard. It has to be hard. We have to do the hard work. We’ve come from corporate and we’ve done so many hours and it has to be the same in our business. And you think, no, actually, you know, our passions and our strengths, not everybody has them right for staff, and we deserve to be paid well for them.
We’re sharing our knowledge and our enthusiasm at, you know, and our expertise. So I would lean into it because who says you can’t have fun with your business and [00:26:00] you can’t do something that you love? And the most successful business owners are the ones who are in love with what they do, , because it doesn’t feel like a business.
Then they’ve got that motivation. They wanna wake up, they wanna do more of that, whereas, yeah. I, I was losing a little bit of passion, and I won’t lie, , I was about two years ago. I was kind of like, oh, because there was too many other, you know, just crush it, just do it. And I was like, Oh, this isn’t resonating.
So finding this or leaning into this bit of woo , I don’t think is way, but I, you know, the, the, the wrong type of person will think is way, whatever. I’m not interested in this at all, but leading into it has really like little spark in me. Yeah, I totally lean into your passion. Never discount them because you never know where it’s gonna lead you.
And who says can’t make you money? .
Sarah: Yeah. And, and I really, again, from the outside looking in it like it made your brand, like, you know, before you had a brand, but. [00:27:00] It that was kind of like, Well, it’s what everybody else is saying. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And, and, and let’s, let’s just say it how it is, like, you know, Link, There’s a lot of LinkedIn specialists and experts now.
Before when we started, maybe less. Yeah. Um, but, but now everybody is a LinkedIn trainer, so Yeah. How can you, Yeah. How do you stand out? And that’s kind of just an additional benefit of bringing your passion into your business because that’s truly how you’re gonna Yeah. Stand out and be remembered. I’m, I remember, one of my, , early friend online friends, Denise Wakeman, she.
Probably like 10 years ago now, she kind of rebranded into, can’t remember the exact name of the brand, but really had to do with her adventurous spirit. And she was always traveling and to like, you know, crazy places like Peru and, and all these places. And she made that her brand and so, That kind of stuff sticks with you.
So [00:28:00] I think it’s, it’s the same thing for you
Jen: really. It’s how you connect as a human being, isn’t it? It’s like when you, Right before this podcast, I was in a networking event and it’s a little bit different in the sense of the host makes us.
Kind of not strange questions but different questions. Like one question was, you know, tell me something off your book at list or tell me , what’s your guilty pleasure? And it’s kind of like these kind of questions are how you connect. Cuz we were all laughing, you know, we were chatting about a lot of the guilty pleasures were really trash TV programs,
And it was like, ok, I’m gonna remember you’re the lady that liked that. You know, like rather. Your profession. You know, like it’s when you bring that bit of personality in. Yeah. Another one was like, who would you take on a blind date? And this was how we were actually connecting and laughing as human beings.
This kind of made such a difference and I think. In business, you can kind of be tunnel vision and like, Oh, I’m LinkedIn trainer. You know, LinkedIn is [00:29:00] all blah, blah, blah. LinkedIn. LinkedIn, LinkedIn, LinkedIn. But it, you know, it was when you bring that extra passion in or that extra thing that you do, like, I love the, the way you were always mentioning that you’re like an ex hippie that’s in my head, you know?
So I think, yeah, things like that make the.
Sarah: Yeah. Yeah. No, totally. Ah, this has been so good. Thank you so much, Jen. I, I can, I think people hear that passion as well, you know, it’s like, Yeah. You can tell that from the kind of boring, you know, LinkedIn algorithms, blah, blah, blah. No, it’s like, You’re talking to humans.
Yes, these humans want to use LinkedIn, but you’re basically helping them with this tool that is human design to really figure out, well, how is this LinkedIn tool gonna work for you? Because you’re just listening to everybody else out there. Well, they’re gonna tell you, yeah, to sell your soul on LinkedIn and maybe that’s not gonna work for you.
[00:30:00] So,
Jen: Oh, and I think it gives you, it gives you an understanding of yourself, but it also gives you an understanding of of other people. And then it’s like, Oh, okay, that didn’t work for that person, because they’re that type of person and I think we need to learn to. Understand each other more because there’s a lot of copy and paste and, you know, cookie clutter approaches out there, and they’re never gonna work with everyone.
They’re only gonna resonate where it’s a tiny percentage. So I think the more you can understand yourself and others, the more you’re gonna connect as a, as an individual, and you’re gonna have better relationships. And I think so many people just wanna fast track, don’t they? They just want this magic silver bullet.
I want it now. Yeah, and you have to put
Sarah: a little bit work in. And I was just thinking as, as you’re talking it, it’s because we’re, we’re hosting a, a workshop about, about confidence and there as well. The first part to confidence is to know yourself and find out who you are and how you’re wired. And so when you think about marketing, you [00:31:00] need confidence to market well, you need to know yourself first before you get the confidence.
Jen: yeah, that’s really interesting cuz I don’t. A lot of, many readings this year and one of my clients there is like one of the centers in human design about the south, and hers is completely open. And yeah, she doesn’t really know herself. She’s actually in that transition of trying to, you know, Find out who she is, and I know it’s definitely led to a lot of procrastination for her and mm-hmm.
and stress. So I think, yeah, you really need to know who you are, who you stand, you know, what you stand for, what are your values, what are you trying to achieve, and not copy other people’s values. You really need to dig deep as to what’s gonna resonate with you. Yeah. Rather than, you know, a lot of copy and paste.
Oh, that sounds good. I’ll take a bit of that. Or I should be doing this because I do this. But yeah, I. You have to, you have to have that confidence. That’s if you don’t have it. You’re [00:32:00] not gonna ever be comfortable showing up as a business owner, whether it is online or on a sales call or anything, and people can feel that off you
They can feel that energy if you are not confident. They’re not gonna be confident in partnering with money to work with you. Confidence is everything, isn’t it?
Sarah: It is. Yeah. This has been so good. Thank you so much for taking the time. Please do share with people where they can find you and maybe sign up for a, a mini reading slash LinkedIn Consulting.
Tell us all about where they can find you. Pairing
Jen: Sarah, so obviously I’m on LinkedIn, so it’s Jen Corcoran, c o r c o r a n, or my website is www.mysuperconnector.co uk. And yeah, so two of them are probably my main things and you could find my email on my website as well.
Sarah: [00:33:00] Wonderful. I always have one last question and that is, what are you grateful for today?
Or this.
Jen: I’m grateful for you on this conversation and someone bringing the human side of life and marketing out there, because I don’t know anybody else doing it, Sarah. So I’m grateful for us getting this out in the world, and I can’t wait to share this podcast with my network and my community. So, yeah, grateful for a like mine.
Thank you. Fellow hsv, fellow introverts, fellow centered people in business. Cause I know when I first started it was like heart centered. What’s that? That’s a bit, you know? But yeah, I’m all about people like you and you,
Sarah: and likewise. Thank you so much for hanging out again, Jen. We’ll do it again
Jen: soon.
Thanks Ev. Thanks everyone.