Today’s conversation fits under the P of Partnership, the last P of the 7Ps of Humane Marketing. Sometimes Partnership applies to other humans, in today’s case it’s a partnership with you and the truth. For this conversation about The Future of Truth, I invited Kayleigh O’Keefe.
Kayleigh O’Keefe is the USA Today Bestselling author of The Younger Self Letters and the founder of Soul Excellence Publishing, the publishing house for soulful, successful business leaders. She helps leaders share their stories of personal growth and transformation in multi-author, individual, and team books. The company has published two international bestsellers in 2021 – Leading Through the Pandemic: Unconventional Wisdom from Heartfelt Leaders and Significant Women: Leaders Reveal What Matters Most.
Prior to founding the company, Kayleigh spent over a decade as an advisor to Fortune 500 executives with CEB (now Gartner) and as a commercial leader at Snapdocs, a real estate technology company. She also hosts The Kayleigh O’Keefe Show podcast where she shares unconventional personal growth advice for ambitious, conscious leaders.
"When you can hold that long-term perspective and hold on to your vision, that allows you to be more present in the moment and therefore patient and not over-marketing and communicating, but being in tune to what am I sensing that… Share on XIn this episode, you’ll learn about Kayleigh O’Keefe on the future of truth and…
- The opposite of truth
- How we got to a place where so many people are looking for the truth and only a few really share it ?
- How the truth matters in business and marketing
- What does it mean to be authentic?
- and so much more.
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Imperfect Transcript of the show
[00:00:00] Sarah: Hey, Kaylee. So good to speak to you again, we have the opportunity and chance and luck to be able to speak twice in like week or 10 days, podcasts. Now you’re here. So excited to have you. I feel, I feel
[00:08:12] Kayleigh: so lucky that our paths have crossed and then we’ve had this opportunity to go deeper. So, yeah. Thanks for having.
[00:08:19] Sarah: Yeah, you said it all there deep as the modal, especially with the kind of title that we gave this episode. And so, yeah, we’re going to dive right in. I think you are obsessed with the truth and I think you’re not alone. It’s a very timely subject. Definitely something that we talk about here on the podcast all the time regarding, you know, marketing.
[00:08:44] But I’m curious, I like to kind of start with your story and, and how you came to find your truth. Or please tell us the story. I don’t know if you found it, but I have a feeling you have,
[00:08:58] Kayleigh: you know, it as I was reflecting on, on. Search for the truth. Like I was brought back to childhood where I do feel like we, we are more closely connected to at least our own personal truth at such a young age.
[00:09:14] And it makes sense because we. We’re actually more in tune with our bodies and our emotions. We let ourselves have them. And for all those reasons, it’s like our senses are really, really open before we start to see, okay, what’s acceptable, what’s expected and kind of start that conforming process that happens for, for a lot of people and certainly happened to me.
[00:09:38] So. For me, my journey has really been like re accessing that truth that is within. And when I think of like six year old Kaylee, she’s this girl that’s like standing with her, her arms. So this side, like this with a sweatshirt, with ballerina slippers on it, and a scrunchie and a troll hanging out of her pocket with blue hair and like a huge smile.
[00:10:01] And like this very creative, but independent and curious and actually very spiritual nature, like early on just being very tapped in to at least for me right back then. What like faith and. So, I, I always, I have this picture that my grandma’s sent me that image that I just shared with you. And I’m like, ah, okay, like there’s so much truth there.
[00:10:24] And then I went on the journey that, you know, a lot of my peers went on where it’s like, Hmm, okay. Then you go to school, then you realize like, oh, okay. This is about achievement and doing things correctly. And I was also game for that journey. You know, I was the oldest, I am the oldest of four kids. It very much was like a go, go, go, achievement oriented environment.
[00:10:45] And I also thrived in that. So I’ve sought the accolades. I, you know, went to the good high school and university and got the job and, and did all those things that we do, which I wouldn’t say diverted me from my truth, but it’s, it made clear to me that I had lost a piece of it along the way. And so there were, there were just three moments, one getting sober at, at 25 and realizing we’re all on this recovery journey.
[00:11:13] And for me not expressing and not, not sharing and withholding was really at the core of that. I later went on a retreat a few years after and had my first experience of being embodied. And that’s where you’re like, oh, Yeah, we’re spiritual beings, but like we’re also having this physical experience and there’s all this intelligence there.
[00:11:36] And then in this personal truth journey, like more recently doing some work really around intimacy. And what does it mean to see yourself first so that she can have deep relationships with others and it’s through those experiences and many, many more. You know, I’ve realized like for me, the truth is like, I am the spiritual being, having a human experience.
[00:12:01] I am here to be, to use my voice and I am here to create platforms, other expression of truth, seeking and of wisdom. And so I feel very much in my core that I’ve found my truth, but I also think that when you are a truth seeker, You’re curious and you stay open to new things that are going to be presented along the way, too.
[00:12:26] So like I’m clear and I’m also like, I’m open to, to whatever comes
[00:12:32] Sarah: next. So there’s always more, right. There’s always more to be found. And, and yeah, these, sometimes we kind of lost memories from childhood. They’re just kind of faded away and then. The sudden something happened and you’re like, oh, remember I used to love that thing.
[00:12:50] And, and yeah, that’s kind of the discovery of the truth for me lately,
[00:12:57] Kayleigh: that just one example of that has been danced. You know, like I look at this picture of this girl who clearly liked dance. Ballerina slippers on the sweatshirt. But then I started playing very competitive soccer and like, that really was my life for like 20 years.
[00:13:11] And it’s so funny now, as I get closer to the truth, like, oh yeah, I’m out at dance class right now, you know, like adult dance class. And I’m like, oh, there’s that piece of me that just wants to be expressed through movement. Which is just so fun.
[00:13:25] Sarah: So interesting because it isn’t that often the ripe brain thing.
[00:13:31] That we find are back to the, because those were usually kind of erased or pushed back during the, you know, school and academic years, because everything was focused on the, doing the achieving where a lot of the joy actually comes from. The other things, the other activities. And then unfortunately, I’ll sit in our society.
[00:13:53] They just kind of go on the back burner and it’s almost like you have to relearn them. You eventually say, well, you know, what is my truth? And so you have to relearn them and say, yeah, maybe, maybe it wasn’t soccer or soccer was good for awhile, but actually the expression of dancing is much more who I really was.
[00:14:13] And I am.
[00:14:15] Kayleigh: And there’s something too where it’s like, of course I don’t regret any of that, that journey, you know, and I do think there’s, there is so much truth when it comes to critical thinking and being objective and like the things that you learned that are more logical and left brain throughout those formative years.
[00:14:34] But I really feel like. Even the term still excellence of my company or what I see out in the world today is like, how do we marry these things? How do we infuse that like soul? But the excellence piece to me is still being open to really, to growth. I wouldn’t, I wouldn’t say like it’s not perfection. It truly is growth.
[00:14:54] And maybe to the topic of today’s conversation.
[00:14:59] Sarah: Yeah, I love that. Let’s, let’s spend some time on the, on the word truth, because when I was preparing for this episode, I was like, yeah, what, what is truth really mean? And often it helps us to kind of use the opposite and, and look at that and say, well, what is, you know, the opposite of truth?
[00:15:19] Is that a lie? Is that. And then it made me think, well, is it always a lie or could it also be something else? And so I was just curious how you define truth and, and how you see the opposite and kind of like, just in general, what this word means to the times that we live in. Probably,
[00:15:44] Kayleigh: yeah, it it’s so interesting because we’re, we are living in a world.
[00:15:50] People are using the term personal truth. And I feel like using it sometimes as a way to disregard some things that may be more universal. So what I mean by that? It’s kind of using their story as the only interpretation of what’s going on versus realizing that there may be many, many perspectives.
[00:16:14] So the opposite of truth being a lie. You’re right. I’m like, is that, is that true? Because as I was reflecting on this question, like the words that came to me were more like illusion. Distortion hyperbole exaggeration. Like these are the things that I feel like are more the opposite of truth. Like when we allow ourselves to get trapped in a way of thinking that has us on a program versus this expansive curious place.
[00:16:45] So really I’ve been thinking a lot about this as I was doing this intimacy coaching program over the summer and realized that. That one of my limiting focuses or the thing that like I go to when I’m in relationship, is this feeling this feeling that like my feelings and desires don’t matter. And so whether or not that’s true, like I know that it’s a trigger and that’s where I go.
[00:17:09] And when I do that, like my world gets super, super small and I’m not even open to the truth. And what I realized through that. There might be a piece of that. That’s true, but it’s not the whole truth. Like it is a distortion. It is a you know, taking, I don’t know the right metaphor, but the app yes.
[00:17:26] Closing the aperture and like only seeing this lice and assuming that that’s all there is. And so I don’t have a great answer of like, what is the truth, but I do feel that. When we give ourselves space and are not just in like a stimulus reaction mode and we’re able to pause, observe, like sense everything in our body.
[00:17:51] We’re able to actually feel the truth more than just logically deduce it or, you know, from, from something that’s being shared. So yeah, I would say. Looking at illusion as the opposite is it might be a good starting place and something I want to consider more too after, after this conversation.
[00:18:10] Sarah: Yeah. Yeah.
[00:18:12] And I didn’t have an answer when I come up with this question. Right. But, but it kind of went my thinking when this along the same lines is like, it’s not that, you know, what we’re seeing in the, in the marketing and business world is like, Mon lies, but it’s more like hiding the truth.
[00:18:39] Kayleigh: I mean, you just made me think more of like a.
[00:18:42] I mean for our times right now, like even COVID related statistics, it’s like really choosing what you’re showing people or not showing people how you’re sharing information, not sharing it, like what you’re choosing to focus on. So back to the distortion or the limiting focus, and there is some sort of intent, right?
[00:19:01] It’s almost like there’s We see a lot right now in business and marketing. It’s like, the outcome is predetermined. Like, this is what I want. Therefore I know that this is what I need to, to share or to show. And like, it’s not all the truth. That’s a piece of it. It’s a part, you know, it’s a distortion of a stat that gets you there.
[00:19:20] And so I, I do wonder, like what would the inverse look like if you start. With truth. And I would dare say like some objective reality. Cause I do think like we can observe, we can sense different things, but let’s just take out our evaluation and emotion out of it and say a camera recorded this.
[00:19:36] Like just tell me the actions that happen without the story. Cause we’re also seeing that too, a right, like in journalism, of course, which leads to publishing is like the narratives are already set. And so the journalists are just slotting. Stories to fit those narratives. And what I really like pains me about that is like, the world is so much more interesting, just like, as it is without forcing story to happen, or without saying like, this is the narrative.
[00:20:07] So I could go off on a whole tangent on that, but
[00:20:12] Sarah: it is so true. And it’s, it’s like, you can choose what you shine the spotlight on, and that might be. A small piece of truths in a much bigger story. Right? And so if you do that in, in marketing or sales, for example, yes. There’s some truth to that. But if you’re not giving the big picture, the real picture, then are you really still telling the truth?
[00:20:38] You know, what comes to mind is like programs where they tell you that you can get this and this, and this will come, which happens to some people. But what they maybe don’t tell you is that this person actually had one-on-one coaching and, you know, they had a personal trainer and they were like doing things very differently than the person who just sees these online.
[00:21:02] Yeah. So
[00:21:03] Kayleigh: yes, it’s
[00:21:04] Sarah: the truth. Yes. This person got these, this outcome, but you’re not, you’re hiding some of its truth. So yeah.
[00:21:11] Kayleigh: And, and your example right there, I mean, it made me think of something that you and I talked about of like, we don’t want to be the gurus, you and I, as, as leaders of our companies, like we want to be the facilitators, the co-creators the collaborators.
[00:21:25] And I think. Honesty around that too, of like the work that needs to happen in a program or like what it really takes. Like, I don’t feel like we should be afraid to share that. And, and that would also attract people who like, they’re really there for it, you know? And they’re not just looking for a superficial solution or connection or something like
[00:21:46] Sarah: that.
[00:21:47] They don’t, they don’t just buy the quick fix out of fear because they have to have to leave. Yeah. And, and yet in, in a circle or in a society where unfortunately the belief is that if you tell them the whole truth, you tell them that it takes work. The belief is that while you’re not going to sell, because people are like, that’s way too hard.
[00:22:17] I’m not going to do that. Yeah. So that’s always the juggle, right? It’s like, well, What do I do in this case? How far do I take the truth? Empower my client. Or where do I stop and say, look I know I can help you. I’d really like you to make this decision and yes, it’s going to take work. I hope you’re ready for it.
[00:22:40] Kayleigh: Yeah. I love the mantra. You know, one of my business posts, coaches just always shares, which is, you know, this is, this is simple, but not easy. And I feel like that’s a very true statement where so many of the things that, that we want in our lives or that people pay for like the result that they desire.
[00:23:00] There’s probably a simple process, but it’s actually following the process and having the dedication and the commitment and the humility and the mindset. Like it’s not easy. It really isn’t, but more and more people are focused on. Cool. Is it worth it? Is it meaningful? Is it fulfilling? Like, does this fuel me in a way from the inside?
[00:23:23] And I think like you, I mean, those are the people that I. Marketing to selling, to connecting with, or those who, who liked truth, who liked meaning, who liked fulfillment, who, and there they are willing to put in the work and it may not be everyone, but that’s okay. You don’t need everyone to. To support you to buy your thing, to join your thing.
[00:23:44] Like that’s the beauty too, of being online is you really can call in those that are meant for you.
[00:23:50] Sarah: Yeah. Yeah. So you have a publishing company called soul excellence and work with soulful leaders. Right? So what do you, what, what’s your role? How do you see your vision to help them basically? Bring more truth to their business because essentially that’s what they, yeah.
[00:24:13] I think that’s how we see leaders nowadays. It’s like, well, you have an impact. And so that’s what you helped them with. So tell us about your leaders and
[00:24:27] Kayleigh: yeah, I mean, I, I really feel that, you know, I was reflecting like the truth has never been that popular. Like I had to remind myself like Jesus was crucified.
[00:24:39] Like people, I think sometimes really don’t want to hear the truth. And in our society today, too, like people are rewarded for hot takes for instant opinions. And that means that truth seekers who I believe are more. Kind of open-hearted they have a lot of self-trust, so they’re not swayed too much by what’s going on.
[00:25:00] They are curious and they, they can live in this place of, of grounded-ness, but also perspective, like they’re willing to hear and receive and adapt over time. And so those people don’t get a lot of attention today because they’re not inflammatory and they’re not. Stoking fear. They’re not doing the things that are getting the attention in, in the world right now.
[00:25:23] And so for me with soul excellence publishing, you know, my role is at least twofold, maybe threefold, by that time I share this, but first and foremost, it is to, to exemplify what I stand for. And that actually means being willing to express, being willing, to share perspective, being willing to ask questions.
[00:25:45] Being willing to, to continue to go on a growth journey, but also realize. I don’t have, I’m not waiting till I’m 94 T to suddenly be enlightened. Like all of this can happen moment by moment. So part of my, my role is to simply be that, you know, I have a creator personality. I like to write. I like to communicate.
[00:26:06] And so I get to show other leaders what that looks like and how they don’t have to just conform to the narrative. There’s a lot about me and my story and experienced. Is surprising and unexpected when people learn of it. And so that’s kind of what I want it to show leaders. And then
[00:26:24] Sarah: that’s interesting if I can just jump in there.
[00:26:27] So you lead with vulnerability so that they can kind of learn from that and say, oh, I guess it’s okay. And then, you know, bring more of that. That also to their leadership.
[00:26:44] Kayleigh: And I see this and you know, one of the services I offer are multi-author books, or I bring leaders together to each write chapters and books and inevitably on our first group call and on their first drafts.
[00:26:58] I can really sense the the walls that each author or leader turn author has put up of like, okay, I, I have an SVP title. I know I need to look a certain way. I know I have to like couch my words and I see that. And I sense that. And so I have to be the one willing to step out first and share, you know, vulnerably on our calls about things going on in my life or the experience I had that led me to want to write this book to.
[00:27:25] I have to be that person. And then I’ve see how they’re like, okay. That feels right to me too. And I actually didn’t want to be this person who’s just using the buzzwords and the bullet points and the, you know, being the leader that they think they have to be. So yeah.
[00:27:43] Sarah: So wish you were around when, when you were around, but we just hadn’t crossed paths yet.
[00:27:48] When I wrote my first book, because I felt like. Yeah, it was scary too. All my stories in that book and say, but at the same time I knew I was not going to write just any business book that sounded like a business book. I’m like, if I want my people to bring more of them into their marketing, or there needs to be all of me in that book.
[00:28:12] But if you don’t have. You know, the community are, are, are you as a, as the publisher say telling you it’s okay. That’s what people want. Like the only book I’ve ever seen it in a business book is Bernay Brown’s. And even Bernay only in her latest in her later books, even in the early books, she was still kind of like.
[00:28:32] How people wanted her to be, I
[00:28:34] Kayleigh: think. Yeah. And I I have all of Bernie Brown’s books on the shelf, in my library here, and I’m working with one solo author right now, Sasha stair who’s writing about the inside job and conscious leadership. And I was really thinking the other day that to me, she is a Bernay brown, but one who had.
[00:28:55] Then in the trenches within corporate, you know, the beauty of Bernay is she’s been researching and connecting and learning from so many people. And now applying that to corporate. And so I’m really working with a lot of people who like they’re in corporate right now. Like they have the scars, they deal with the politics, they, they fire, they hire, you know, all of that.
[00:29:16] And also they’re using all of these principles to, to be better leaders. Cause it’s. It’s not easy because you are often swimming, upstream and going against the grain and being the one to be like, all right, I must be in the wrong here because no one else is this.
[00:29:36] Sarah: And I’m just
[00:29:37] Kayleigh: the one other thing I’d say to that is so I have to embody it.
[00:29:41] And I feel like in some ways I do that well, but also feel like that next like version or like, And our desires is coming up right now. Like there’s even more to express. And then the second thing really is to help my authors, like is to look at them with what my other mentor would call a God goggles and to, to, to not attach too much to their story either and just help them, help them.
[00:30:07] Also not right from this place of of a victim mentality, because that’s also quite popular in the culture. Today is no matter the level of success or privilege someone has. It’s you also see that they’re communicating this message of, and I also am a victim and the leaders that I work with, they, they don’t see themselves that way, but I do see that they see the pressure to.
[00:30:31] Be like, oh, and all these horrible things happen to me too, you know? So I’m relatable just like you.
[00:30:37] Sarah: And I’m so glad you’re bringing this up. Yeah. It’s the vulnerability kind of overdosed.
[00:30:43] Kayleigh: Yeah. The, or exactly where it’s, it’s distracting. It’s not necessary. And I know that the view is like, it’ll give you some sort of like points in some game, but I just feel.
[00:30:55] True leaders. Like they go through those experiences, but what they’re able to share from them, Like, they’re not sharing when they’re in it. Like they’re not writing a book when they’re in it. They may be taking notes and experiencing it, but their book is about the journey, the transformation, and they don’t sit there and say, give me credit because I’m super successful.
[00:31:17] But also all of these other things,
[00:31:21] Sarah: the is the old you know, hero’s journey. Everybody sells you. That that’s what you have to do because that’s what sells because who would want to buy a book from someone who hasn’t made it yet. Right. I call BS that that’s when you that’s, when you see, you know, vulnerability being misused, because if almost feels.
[00:31:47] People go back to just find some story that, like you said, that they can tell that then makes you, you know, approachable or, or feel like you’re on the same level. But, but, but it’s just old that story and it’s been used too many times that that’s make that makes you wonder. If that’s really the truth, right?
[00:32:11] Like I’ve heard some pod-casters and who hasn’t done it, like all these popular podcasters, they all came out with some kind of childhood story and they’re probably true. They’re probably true. And it’s, you know, it’s sad that some of these things happen to them, but it’s just like, it makes you say. Is this really what you wanted to share or are you sharing it?
[00:32:38] Because you know that this is what works,
[00:32:43] Kayleigh: you know, I feel like there’s something more here that I want to reflect on too. It’s like, I’ve really gotten the sense when I look around that too.
[00:32:58] That there’s in the culture. There’s like, people don’t want the stories of like that are aspirational and inspirational. It’s almost like they want to be really attuned to the stories that are about hardship and, you know, pain and suffering. And I just feel that I mean, just personally, like I’ve never been attracted to, to any of that.
[00:33:18] Even as I’ve experienced really, really difficult things. It’s like, I want to see people succeeding and thriving and flourishing and like, that’s what excites me and I know to get there. Yeah. You go through all of these things and we all do, but yeah, I don’t know where I was going with that except to say like, I love.
[00:33:36] I like people who are optimistic, I think about the future.
[00:33:43] Sarah: Yeah. And I think the point you made earlier is like, you want people who share stories of the present or, you know, close future, not very distant future. And then it feels like they’re sharing a victim story. Really. Wow.
[00:34:02] Kayleigh: Alright, this has given me a lot to think about too, as I’m about to guide a new group of leaders in creating their books.
[00:34:08] So I feel like you just gave me a little insight of something that we could do to, to not linger on the past so much and really stay in the present and some visioning for the future, which is what they all care about too, is like, I want to change the trajectory of the future through the power of my ideas which I just love.
[00:34:26] Yeah.
[00:34:27] Sarah: That’s awesome. I was going to ask about, you know, marketing, but I feel like we, that’s all we’ve been doing talking about marketing in an extended way because all of this truth telling obviously has to do with marketing. And, and, and so really still, if I offer you the question, how can we be more truthful in, in marketing?
[00:34:53] Well, maybe you can just summarize what we already said, because a lot of things we already mentioned.
[00:34:58] Kayleigh: Yeah, I feel, I mean, I’ll give you the entrepreneurial, like new entrepreneur perspective because, you know, as I was reading your book on your new book, on selling or reflecting on our conversation, I’m like, okay, looking back, there are some ways in the last year where I do feel like I have maybe put more pressure on potential prospects than necessary or tapped into more of the fear of missing out on an opportunity.
[00:35:27] Didn’t feel quite right at the time, but yet felt like, all right, new business need revenue. You know, like I felt that energy too. And I, I’m not coming to you today from a place of when it comes to, to marketing. I mean, I think I’ve always been very truthful in my just sharing who I am and what this company is about.
[00:35:49] But I, the one thing I would add to everything that we’ve said is. There is a, like a patience and a trust and a kind of timing thing that would really, really help, especially, you know, solo, preneurs or small business owners, where once you start shifting to like, you’re, you’re playing the long game here.
[00:36:12] Like if you’ve committed to a path of building an intentional business or following humane marketing, like it’s not something you’re trying for a couple months. And moving on. So when you can hold that long-term perspective and hold to your vision, I just think that allows you to be more present in the moment and therefore patient and actually not over-marketing and communicating, but being really just the tune to what am I.
[00:36:42] I used to be like, what am I being called to say? And I do that sometimes, but also like, what am I sensing that people need to hear? Like, where is the energy low? Where, where is just like, where do I see frustration among my author groups and trusting that I’m noticing that for a reason and also communicating from that place.
[00:37:03] I think patience and trust are important on, on this path.
[00:37:07] Sarah: Yeah. And, and again, that requires more truths from the entrepreneurial community who has been in business for many years and, and, and you know, who actually. Because all the messages we hear is, you know, you’re not successful unless you have a six figure business.
[00:37:26] Right. And so we keep going back to comparing ourselves to that. And so clearly it’s stressful because you feel like, well, you know, I’m still not there yet. I mean, year three and I’m still not making the hundred K or nevermind, you know, 900 K so. So I think it also takes entrepreneurs to stop step up and say a it’s a slower process.
[00:37:53] You know this, this takes patience does takes building relationships. It doesn’t have to take years and years, but yeah, it takes commitment and, and maybe that’s a bit slower. And then also through about, you know, how. Much money. We’re actually making, I remember back in the days and, and when Google Hangouts was a thing, so that was like 10 years ago.
[00:38:17] I remember we were I was like in these communities and there was like these big gurus, you know, you kept seeing them everywhere. And the belief was that these people were all doing really well for themselves. Right. Pumping out content like crazy and everywhere on social media turned out. You know, a year after they all had a new jobs like that happened there.
[00:38:48] And so it was like this misconception that, that we were just all feeding each other, saying, look, I’m doing really well. And putting out all these things. And so it kind of saying, look, yeah, especially right now with COVID things are kind of hard, you know? Yeah. There is not as much business. Then, you know, then maybe two years ago, so also showing up with more truths and telling entrepreneurs, especially the ones starting out it’s okay.
[00:39:18] It will take some time and it’s okay to not be making a hundred K in your first year.
[00:39:24] Kayleigh: Gosh, I mean, I just wrote down like a bunch of notes from what you were saying, like. I believe that we are really focused on building profitable, sustainable businesses. And that especially, you know, for, for me, like when you leave a corporate career and a career in tech startup technology that has nothing but like potential in it and choose to make this shift to, to do what your heart desires.
[00:39:52] I have felt I’ve gone on like the most expansive personal growth journey as a result of being in business, because all the little things, particularly around how you take care of your body, how your communication, your relationships, things that. You could hide in a well-funded startup or a well-structured corporate, you know, there’s so much slack in all of these organizations when it’s used starting something, you don’t have that luxury and everything is exposed.
[00:40:20] So like, I wish entrepreneurs view it’s like, this is the gift of entrepreneurship is going back into who am I? This topic of authenticity. What am I here for? Like beyond the revenue, beyond the relationship. So like if you’re game for that, then like, this is the great, this is a great way to do that. And then it’s so funny since you and I last connected.
[00:40:41] I, I, you know, I’m on a million different email lists and it’s like, I can’t unsee. The marketing tactics right now that are just like so jarring and so painful. And so fear-based and so annoying right now, or I’m like, and I haven’t unsubscribed yet. Cause I’m just sort of observing right now, like, oh, this is interesting.
[00:41:01] And then yeah, it’s so funny. This like six figure business owner thing was not being a new entrepreneur. It’s not like a term I’d ever heard. Coming from corporate where it’s like at a certain point you’re in information services and consulting like six figures is like a baseline. Right. It was just so funny to me this last year.
[00:41:18] I didn’t realize like, this is a benchmark, you know? And then you’re like, is it a benchmark? And I’m like, Okay. Who cares? Like, what are your expenses? What are, you know, what are you trying to accomplish? Like your revenue is kind of irrelevant in a, when you look at it that way. So I’m glad you mentioned that because I just was like, wait, why is this a thing
[00:41:39] Sarah: thing?
[00:41:40] Yeah. And you’re you’re so right. It’s a benchmark. It’s like, are you in the club or are you not? Yeah. And I
[00:41:48] Kayleigh: want to know, like, yeah. What are your expenses? Where are you living? What was the purpose of your business to begin with? Like, are you growing? Is it an alignment? Like, oh, okay. Like I’ll be in your club.
[00:41:57] Is these things are true, you know?
[00:41:59] Sarah: Yeah. Yeah. It’s like comparing apples and pears. What if we are completely not the same person, we don’t have the same definition of success and, you know, we live
[00:42:12] Kayleigh: in different places. This model’s different clients that we’re serving.
[00:42:16] Sarah: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, well, as a publisher and writer, I’m sure you read a lot as well.
[00:42:24] So I’m really curious to hear about a business book that yeah. That feels kind of true or that you feel like has these qualities that we just described of a, of a leader and writer. Who’s a sentic and true.
[00:42:40] Kayleigh: So I definitely it’s funny. You know, reading your next book. And I was like, oh, I do love to sell is human by Daniel pink.
[00:42:48] And I haven’t read it in a while, but I remember first being exposed to autonomy, mastery and purpose, whenever it first came out. And I was like, yeah, this makes total sense. And I was looking in my consulting career at the time being. Hmm. I don’t feel like I had autonomy. I had mastery of like our research process, but like, I didn’t feel like I had purpose in that.
[00:43:10] So I really appreciated that, but I thought about this question and I’m realizing. My favorite business book is not a business book. And I brought it here. It’s this one that’s called the artist’s way, a spiritual path to higher creativity. And you know, if there are writers listening to this, I’m sure they’ve come across this book.
[00:43:31] But this book by Julia Cameron, like I really credit my whole business being based on working through her process of. Really kind of unbecoming and tapping back into who we are and our truth. And this book like this, I’m reading it now for the second time following through on the exercises the second time.
[00:43:53] And in terms of forget, like managing your team or figuring out what’s market to go to next or how to run a better product launch, like I’m all about starting with the leader, like leading of self and this book. The one that’s given me the most insight into who I truly am. What I truly desire. Also giving me the courage to step out and be who I am and like stop wearing the mask, stop hiding.
[00:44:21] So I, especially for leaders who like to write and reflect, like this is the book that, that I recommend to everyone. Yeah,
[00:44:29] Sarah: I love it. I have to read it a second time too. Cause I would say it’s probably not just for readers. If I think about Daniel’s quote about you know, the why, right. Brainers will rule the future from the whole new mind, that book something about, yeah.
[00:44:48] How the future will be ruled by empathizers and meaning makers. And so the artist’s way that that’s who that is, right, right. Brain thinkers. And that’s a lot of what I bring into humane marketing as well. And in the free workshop that I run every two months, it’s like, that’s what we focus on. It’s like, bring more creativity into your marketing, bring more beauty into your marketing.
[00:45:15] That’s the artist’s way. So it’s really, like you say, you need to unlearn. The current, you know, kind of left-brain marketing, you need to bring or yeah. Go back to your childhood really and bring more of that into it.
[00:45:30] Kayleigh: And that’s such, you just made me realize, like, if I thinking about marketing, right. When I was leaving, tech is like marketing was becoming so.
[00:45:39] Automated. Okay. It’s just a simple system. It’s just numbers. It’s just, you know, follow this formula and you’ll get new users, new buyers, whatever. And yeah, I just feel like the focusing on. On beauty on elegance, on connection on community like this, this is what we’re all craving. And you just feel when you’re like a number in a system versus a person being related to a related with.
[00:46:06] So yeah, this is, this is the path. And it’s great that there are people like you and me, like out there, I think.
[00:46:16] You know, it’s hard being at the beginning of something too, but you just trust that it’s that it’s right. And
[00:46:24] Sarah: yes. And I love how you say the beginning of this. I think you didn’t just mean the beginning of your. Entrepreneurial journey. I feel that you also said the beginning of something new, the beginning of a new way to do business where that’s what matters and that’s why we’re doing this work really, right.
[00:46:44] It’s like, oh, let us help you lead the way to a new way of doing business and showing up differently.
[00:46:52] Kayleigh: Yeah. Yeah, just the integrity. And like the virtues for me right now of trust. Commitment, mindfulness and openness. Like this is really what I’m cultivating because. I feel called to, but I also feel called to, to really embody that for others too, because I know people deep down want those things too, to trust themselves, to commit to their, the standards that they actually hold to be authentic, which means, and each and every moment am I living in alignment with my values to be open to new ideas.
[00:47:28] I trust that people actually crave these things too. And so when they’re ready for it, I’ll be like, I’ll have bet on this journey and I can share and we’ll connect and we’ll, we’ll shine the way for others
[00:47:38] Sarah: to yeah. So why don’t you? I think that’s a good segue to sharing where people can find you and connect with you.
[00:47:48] Kayleigh: Yeah. There’s, there’s two places. So Kaylee O’Keeffe dot com and Kaley spelled the Gaelic way. K a Y L E I G H a or soul excellence publishing. And that’s where all of our multi-author books and our solo authors can be found. And if you want to write your book, that’s a good place to start. And then you can find me on LinkedIn and Instagram and a few other places.
[00:48:11] Sarah: Wonderful. I always ask one last question, Kaylee. And that’s what are you grateful for today or this week? Oh my
[00:48:19] Kayleigh: gosh. I have such a long list this week. But just to keep it for today, like, I am grateful for lower humidity in the air. Like it feels so good out here in south Florida. I’m grateful for my barista.
[00:48:32] Jomar at Wells coffee who just like knows my order is so kind to me when I showed up at [7:00] AM this morning, like, you know, second in line it’s a loyal following, like seven o’clock and I was not the first person. And then I’m really just grateful for our next book, the X factor. I just recorded a launch video and to prepare my authors and kind of let them know what to expect.
[00:48:56] In recording that video, like, I just felt this wave of emotion of like the nervousness shifting to excitement. And I’m like, I had some doubt. I’m like, am I going to make the shift this time around? Like, I’m feeling more nervous than anything. The act of like expressing and sharing that I was feeling that way and then what to expect totally transformed that.
[00:49:19] So I’m really grateful for, for that. And that’s just in the last couple of hours, so.
[00:49:25] Sarah: Awesome. Wonderful. Well, make sure to add. A book in the show notes as well. I think please. Yeah. Right then
[00:49:33] Kayleigh: it’s going to be so, so you’re like now I’m like, wait, no, this is going to be amazing. Like, I
[00:49:37] Sarah: feel that now it’s so good.
[00:49:42] That has been an absolute delight to talk to you, Kaylee. We need to do it again. We need to come up with another excuse. We have no.
[00:49:52] Kayleigh: Yeah. Yeah. This has been so fun, Sarah, so absolutely grateful for you and for this
[00:49:59] Sarah: time. Thank you. Thank.