Today’s conversation with Adam Kawalec on Income follows Impact fits under the P of Pricing of the Humane Marketing Mandala.
Adam is a former top-level manager turned life & business coach, co-founder of a unique and internationally recognized personal trainer school, who’ve built a thriving business based on referrals only. With over 16 yrs of experience in change management, leadership and mental training Adam helps heart-centered coaches and consultants get paid doing what they love without having to sacrifice their life; work; or bank balance.
Adam is also a founding member of the Humane Marketing Circle and I got to reference his work in the Selling Like We Are Human Book!
Adam’s favorite quote:
“If you could only love enough, you would be the most powerful person in the world – Emmet Fox
In this episode, you’ll learn why income follows impact and…
- How can we move the pay line, give before we get?
- How do we avoid over-giving and burnout?
- Is money the only form of income? How else can we define success?
- What do we do with our ambition, our ego?
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Marketing Like We’re Human – Sarah’s book
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Imperfect Transcript of the show
Sarah: [00:00:00] [00:01:00] [00:02:00] [00:03:00] [00:04:00] [00:05:00] [00:06:00] [00:07:00] Hi, Adam, how are you today?
Adam: I am great. Thank you so much for, for having me here today.
Sarah: Yeah, I w we’ve been planning this for, we can say over a year, because it only has been over the span of a year, so I’m so excited to have you here with us today and talk about yeah. And intriguing topic. So you so graciously, let me share.
Your concept of, you know, moving the pay line or you’ll have to explain whether they are different concepts. This idea of Income follows impact or moving the pay line, whether they’re the same or different [00:08:00] ones. But yeah, we do, we did share them, include them in the selling like we’re human book.
And so I’m just excited to expand on this concept a little bit. So maybe you start off by yeah. Telling our listeners. Maybe how you came up with this and, and then explaining the different ones, or if they’re all the same, just going into details there.
Adam: Absolutely. Well, thank you. Well, so we, we, you and I, we decided to talk a little bit more about the income follows impact, which is just a really clever way I think, to kind of get people’s attention.
And we’ll expand on that shortly and I, you know, for anyone who picked that up there is there is an exercise. There is a mind set thing that I often do, which I call move the pay line, which is. Which you graciously shared in your book. And I’d love to expand on that as well. And and th they, it goes hand in hand.
It demonstrates how you actually deliver on the [00:09:00] promise of income follows impact. So if I, if I jump into it and start to kind of define. Impact means is, is really, if you listen to it, what we’re saying is if you make an impact, if you make a big enough difference in someone’s life and or business, there is a way for you to make a good living or you know, find some form of revenue at the end of that.
And this really comes from the idea of, I think I picked this up from Seth Godin where this, like, people are only willing to pay for something they see as. Like, so they, they, they, they, you know, they need to see value. And throughout my career, working with, with clients and, you know, having conversations and sales conversations and enrollment calls and all of that, what I notice really makes the difference is to give people an experience versus explaining the concepts.
So, for example, if, if I’m doing business coaching or if I’m doing something around life, coaching [00:10:00] me avoiding just to explain what it could do for them, me instead showing them what that could do for them always moves them closer to that decision of. Let’s let’s do this. Let’s continue. And so through the work I did with my coach anchors Jane, at that point, we came up with that idea, that income follows impact.
The more impactful you can be as a coach, the less you will struggle as a coach. Because a lot of times we spend, we spend time on creating content. We spend time in being in conversations, and we’re talking about coaching. We’re talking about. The outcome what’s possible. And this applies to anyone. If you’re a trainer healer consultant, we’re talking about, about the things that we can create, Moses actually giving them some form of experience of that.
So that’s what I applied to my [00:11:00] business. It’s what I try to help my clients see as well that wherever you can Well, let’s not just say let’s wherever you can, but, but rather say where you can try to give the experience before the concept trying to give content before the concept, like give them context because then they will actually know.
So that’s kind of the income follows impact. And to be honest, Anytime. I feel a bit anxious about my bank accounts or the growth of my business. I can, I can go back and I can self-reflect and I can say, well, how much of a difference are you making? How much of an impact are you making? Right. And to be honest, it actually always puts me in a more creative mode when I go like, Let’s focus on impact here.
Let’s focus on making a difference versus right. Let’s make more money. I, I just happen to believe, you know, be part of that group of people who are not necessarily driven by money. But impact, I mean, you, you talk about impact pioneers, [00:12:00] right? That’s, that’s definitely the, the, the tribe I subscribed to.
And, and so, yeah, I think that’s quick and easy explanation of income follows. Yeah,
Sarah: I love that. And what you just said, there’s such a different energy to it. When you say, you know, when you’re kind of in this scarcity thinking, feeling mode and you’re like, well, Should I hustle more to, you know, get more clients and then that feels like more scarcity, or should I look at how can I make more impact?
And that just kind of has this opening energy. And it feels like, wow, that is very, very different. So I love that. I love that. Obviously that. Another kind of marketing concept that comes to mind is, is this idea of the know like, and trust factor, right? So I think that plays into it because if we are just talking about [00:13:00] things, Well, how will people know, like, and trust us.
And so by really experiencing you and what you can deliver that helps with that know like, and trust factor. Maybe. Maybe we could give some examples because in the typical marketing you know, path or funnel where we usually think of the typical e-book or the free audio download or things like that.
So yes, that could be an option, I guess, to, you know, work with your impact or, or trust factor, but you are talking about experiences and, and. I think that an ebook would count as an experience of podcast may count as an experience, baby. But yeah. Tell me more of what you mean by experiences.
Adam: Mm, good.
Yes. So I think you’re right. [00:14:00] There are degrees to facilitating an experience and really what I mean when I’m saying experience. We want to go for trying to give an experience of what it looks like to work together. So now obviously an ebook can sort of do that. And I would even say if it’s an ebook, you do want to make sure, I think my personal recommendation is make sure that it’s about.
What I mean by that is like, don’t try to prop yourself up too much, like make, make your clients, your customers, the hero of that story, because it gives the, it gives the experience of working with you where it’s like, you’re going to put them in the center and you’re going to focus on them so it can work because they can feel like, wow, he’s, he’s, he’s really committed to my growth, our growth.
Wow. She really sees the individual. That alone can shift things right away. And then obviously we can move up the ladder and we can go to podcasts, [00:15:00] which is probably even better because you get to listen to the you know, the, the tone of the boys the pacing, the expressions the warmth or the, you know, the depth to whatever we were able to convey.
So that’s another way Actually I just
Sarah: get in there and ask something because I was just listening to a podcast today and I made this reflection where I think the last. The less kind of, you know, bells and whistles a podcast has to me. So, you know, how we all kind of got used to the super intro with Barbara, like you hired this voice and it sounds like really, whoa, look at this show and here is Sarah athletic coach.
So the less kind of professional, almost, maybe the word is it is. The more, I feel connected to the host. And I was wondering [00:16:00] about that because I, I kind of given myself permission over the years to do these muse episodes where it’s just me talking and, you know, they’re way easier for me to create. I just hit record and do some audio editing.
You know, not cutting out any words, but just kind of improving the audio and, and then off, off I go. But it was a big struggle to think. What are people going to think? This is not as professional as all the other ones, but then today I noticed, you know, what I love does podcast host, but yet I feel so detached because I don’t feel like I’m having a real experience with them.
I just feel like. Talking to a huge audience. What do you think
Adam: about that? Well, I think you’re really onto something here. And especially going back to what you represent with the humane marketing and humane selling, I think authenticity is, is what comes up for me, right. That [00:17:00] we want to have real authentic connections to the people we surround ourselves with.
And it is part of what I actually think is. What I talk about when I talk about impact, because one of the, I think misunderstandings or myths possibly in our industry of, of being a helper is that we need to be gurus. We need to be put on pedestals and we need to be. Celebrities and you know, for anyone who can’t see this, I’m smiling, as I’m saying it, there’s a little bit of a, like, you know, a bit humor in this, of course there’s nothing wrong with having a following or something like that.
It’s just I believe that the power in, and I’m going to refer to coaching we’re helping the power of the helping happens through the relationship. Because I can give you all the best tools in the world. And if our relationship is off, most likely you’re not going to receive them. Like you’re not going to receive them the way I intended for them to be received.
Because we’re, we’re having an [00:18:00] issue with how we’re listening to each other, how we’re connected. And if we start our relationship where you look at me and put me on a pedestal, meaning that you’re looking at. At me a chance to solve we’re already in an unbalanced relationship. If you’re looking up at me, you might be afraid of making mistakes.
You might be afraid of confessing that you didn’t do your homework that you failed. And all of a sudden we could go as deep as we need to for your sake, because you’re not being honest. So my faith. My celebrity status is actually damaging the relationship and therefore the potential of my clients right now.
You also don’t want to have them look down upon you, like, which is really weird if they did. But what I mean by that is we don’t want to be, and this might be a touchy subject, but I’m going to go ahead and say, we don’t want to overshare. We don’t want to be over vulnerable [00:19:00] vulnerabilities are powerful.
And I just think we, we want to be mindful around that. And what I mean then is we, we want to avoid role reversals where our clients, all of a sudden feel like they need to comfort. That creates a very weird dynamic. And yet I see this happen. I see this happening group programs. I see this happen in conversations where we overshare something that we are simply not in a, in a space to share yet.
It’s to rule now where we do want to be is really human to human. I leveled. If that’s how you say it, right? Because at that point it’s a more mutual, respectful human connection. And I think anything that we can to provide that kind of expensive. In an ebook, a podcast, a video, even in our emails, right?
The more we do that, the, I think that’s strong with the relationship [00:20:00] becomes and the better for, for the client in terms of the potential. So what that looks like is probably very individual based on who you are and what your brand is about. And as you said, perhaps it is about less bells and whistles and more connection.
Sarah: Okay, thanks for exploring that side. Tangent. It’s just, yeah, it kind of was brought up today. So I was like, oh, let me ask him that. So let’s go back to the, the idea of yeah, we were talking about podcasts as being one of the things that we can offer. What would be some other experiences?
Adam: Well, another thing you brought up as an example in your book selling like we’re human.
You, you went on to explain a little bit about when I hosted my summits and the beginning of last year, where I, as far as I could, as much as I could, I was sending personal video messages to everyone who signed up [00:21:00] and it was a free event to sign up for. There were quite a few messages to go, go out.
And I sent a video message where I would S you know, wave and say mentioned the name and say, I’m glad to have you here. I hope you find this interesting. And I used to add something personal based on that day. And, and, you know, the mood I was in I add some software to help me with arts. So that made it easier.
Cause it might be a bit tricky to figure that out otherwise. And that was just something that I wanted to commit to as a way to already give people way before they even joined the, the the summit or way before they even start to reaching out to me, they are hearing my voice. They’re seeing my body language.
They’re seeing my, my, my facial expressions. They’re getting an experience. So that’s yet another way. So again, give the experience a way before people even start working.
Sarah: Yeah. And they, they really feel, and I think they felt [00:22:00] those people who signed up for your summit, they felt heard and seen as, you know, participants of the summit.
It’s not just a, you know, here’s a mass email that we all know by now. Okay. Yeah. He’s not really talking to me personally. So having that personal touch it’s of course. Yeah. It’s, it’s one of the ways to, to create impact. I, I couldn’t agree with you.
Adam: I guess would it be helpful for me to expand on the move, the pay line concept?
So you kind of give people an idea of what can they do for, for themselves. So the idea that I was fortunate enough to Shane in your book move the pay line is is this idea that. Well, w we had that analogy in the book. So let me start with that. So you picture yourself on a beach where you got your bare feet in, in, in the sand, and you have a stick in your hand and you, you draw a line from top to bottom towards your feet.
So there’s like two columns there, two [00:23:00] sides beyond that, that line in the sand and to the right of that. And the right column. You start writing things that you do with your clients. Once they sign up with you on state pay you and they start working with you in, in some form of container, you start adding, like I’ll send out a, a workbooks.
I’m sending out my, my ebook that I wrote two years ago. I give them. Access to my oh, summits that I used to run. We create strong agreements. I give them access to me via WhatsApp and of course we have conversations and all of that, just just a few examples right now, if we’ve listed an exhausted our resources or ideas to what we do, once someone becomes our class.
We can then move on to the left side of that line, to the left column. And on this side, we’re asking ourselves, what could I borrow from the right side onto [00:24:00] the left side, left side being, how can I give people an experience before they pay me? So now the line symbolizes a before and after payments. So all of a sudden.
I can look at all the things I provide as a part of the experience of being a pain client. Other versions of that I can share already way before they become my clients. Maybe I could give access to parts of my summit. Maybe I can get out my e-book. Maybe there are ways for me to send messages that are really directed to that individual justice.
I would, once they become my clients. And so all of a sudden we’re moving the pay line in, in terms of. It was kind of moving it up into what we already offer as as for our pay paying client. Again, this way, it just helps. We don’t have to come up with something new. We can just revise and review what we have and go, how can I put this out?
How can I give [00:25:00] people access to this? How can I provide an experience before they have to pay?
Sarah: Yeah. As you know, in the selling like we’re human book, I’m calling the signposts. That that’s what a signpost is to me is this idea of, you know, gently leading your ideal client along the path to maybe eventually end up in your serene garden, where you do have a sales conversation, but in the meantime, you give them all these benches where they can.
And they can sit down and, and yeah. Kind of you know, listen to your podcast or to your summit and whatever, not you’re sharing with them. And what I like also, what you said is. That it doesn’t have to be a, you know, something new, a new, a whole course that you’re creating or, you know, how we get into, like, there’s a lot of talk about funnels and how we come up.
People come up with these really complicated funnels and [00:26:00] it doesn’t have to be complicated. It can really just be, well, what am I already doing? And pull some things to the other side. So I love this concept of just saying. Well, what. Do I do already that, you know, doesn’t cost me anything, obviously we’re not wanting you to, you know, necessarily spend, you know, free coaching or, or any of that.
That’s up to you if you decide to do that. But, but that’s not the idea here. It’s like, what do I have already that I can give for free and help with that, you know, guidance towards the serene garden. Yeah. I love that.
Adam: If I can expand just quickly on this. This is actually something that was really is really current for me.
And I’ve, I’ve been fortunate enough now to be in really strong conversations around this. I have noticed, and it’s something that I’ve taken for granted for quite some time. And I’ve noticed that [00:27:00] asking questions. Is is definitely the way. I mean, especially in my case, I’m a coach. So asking questions is kind of what I do.
So. When I slow things down and now we’re talking about people who are reaching out or coming in by email or WhatsApp, there’s an introduction being made and I’m connected with someone. Normally the typical thing that perhaps I would do or anyone else would do is just because that person came in. We know there’s an interest.
We say, fantastic. Here’s my Calendly link or here’s my Yeah. Any, any calendar link that we use to schedule something or something exactly. Sign up. Hey, and let’s get on a call, right? That’s a typical thing. Cause we’re really quick on it. If we, first of all, I think pre-qualifying can be useful. And especially because this is the side I’m seeing right now, the really cool thing is because I’ve been really busy.
So I’ve been having to pre-qualify people I’ve been having to extend some of them [00:28:00] time I spend with people. And so I’ve been asking more questions and the really cool thing happened just a couple of weeks ago, where someone came into my sphere and. I started asking questions and I kept asking questions and I had her come up with, well, it seem deeper and deeper.
And as like, even the first message I sent her, she was like, oh my God, those are great questions. And this is also a coach. So I found that really humbling that she felt like, oh, those were really good questions. And we kept going the day after. I receive randomly from my website, someone going through my application form to sign up for a free conversation with me.
They went through, they scheduled a conversation with me and usually I have an idea of who’s coming in and who’s not. So this was a random person. I couldn’t recognize the name. And we were starting having a conversation because of the email coming in. And she, she told [00:29:00] me, well, I came in because of.
You’re in conversation with another woman and she recommended me to reach out to you and that’s the woman I’m texting with. So she’s already having an experience of the possibility that’s on offer here so much so that she’s willing to even say to someone she knows, you know what? You produce, probably have a look at his website.
She’d probably look into this guy and that that woman then goes through and kind of comes out the other side of. In my calendar right now, I’m sharing that just to say, kind of highlight the power of again, giving the experience. So even before I’m accepting anyone before we get on a call before those money exchanged, she’s experiencing the possibility of work together through the questions through me, having her see.
Sarah: Yeah, that is powerful. And instead of, you know, maybe increasing the filters and saying, no, let me [00:30:00] block you out. We can just engage in the questions. And from there still then decide, you know, is this a good fit or not yet?
Adam: And you mentioned this thing that it doesn’t have to cost a lot. And I just want to say that, that part of what I tend to do is I send other people’s resources.
I’ve sent your book to people. I’ve made sure that they listen to episodes of your podcast. I have a list. I got a long list. I call the ultimate resource list. Right. And I just keep adding things there. If I watch a really good YouTube video, I’ll add it to that. Now we can send other people’s results.
And we can say, Hey, if you enjoy that, we should get on a call and explore that. Right? So already asking questions, sending them useful resources, having them do some homework, even before they start working with us, having them experience transformations way before they stopped paying us is a beautiful way to introduce the idea of the experience rather than the concept.[00:31:00]
And I’m not going to say any more because clearly I can talk about this forever, but it’s, I hope we’re giving some ideas to the, the audience, the listeners on how they can start doing pieces of this themselves.
Sarah: Yeah, yeah, no, I liked that a lot. This, this idea of experience versus I guess transaction, I, the word that comes up, so yeah.
Yeah. I want to steer you in another direction. I think a lot of the listeners they are. And you notice you’re in the circle, we’re you know, heart-centered entrepreneurs where impact pioneers. So we are, you don’t need to tell us, you need to give before you get usually that’s, you know, we’re good at that.
And so I think that is a great advantage. And it can also get to the point where it becomes a disadvantage or it becomes a challenge. I know I share about the, my over-giving [00:32:00] burnout in the marketing, like where human book. And I know that you had kind of have a, an over giving or, or just kind of a burnout moment as well in.
Previous career. So maybe tell us about the, that burnout story and what it was linked to you. And then. Yeah, how do we, how do we deal with that? How do we still give, and yet also make sure that we are, you know, safe and healthy and happy.
Adam: Yeah. Th this is an important topic, especially for us. You said heart centered entrepreneurs.
So my own personal experience and I I’ve, I’ve had it several times. Like it’s, it’s, you know, I think it’s, to me, it was just, it’s a tendency, it’s a strength. And it’s also one of my. Greatest. Potentials. So in, in my corporate career I had a burnout because I’ve just continuously saying if only I have X, then things will be better.
And I kept saying that it [00:33:00] was like the carrot on a stick just dangling in front of me. And I was continuously saying like, I’ll just get to that point. Then everything will be fine. I got to that point, but something else was now not, not good. And I continued and I continued and finally, I just couldn’t get out of bed.
I had clearly. Went way beyond my boundaries. So that was part of what I needed to understand. And I did come up with an idea after that w which has been really helpful in, in, in my coaching and my personal life as well. And it is this to kind of fill your own cup first. And, and I, I call this energy management.
So. I have this idea that, and we all know this, like recharging our batteries and filling our own cup is often a really powerful way to do, especially for helpers because we’re, we’re far more effective when our cups are full or our batteries are full. The challenge though, is that we tend to feel that.
And then we start giving again and, you know, because we’re giving the [00:34:00] levels decrease and now we’re down to 30, 30%. And all of a sudden we only have a maximum capacity of 30 to give. Whereas if I would have been back on hundreds, I could have given much, much more. So my personal insights, my, my solution to that became to fill my cup up and keep.
Because it’s the overflow that I then share freely. And so for me, it was about figuring out what fills my cup. And once I figured that out, make sure that it never gets turned off. So I start my day. I make sure that parts of my agenda is to fill my cup and keep it full because then if I move into a space of service, there’s no depletion because it’s an ever flowing.
Sarah: Yeah, I love that picture. It’s just like the minute it’s empty, it’s filling again. And then you share whatever is, you know, [00:35:00] dripping over and it has a lot to do with, you know, abundance. Like that’s what abundance is, is that that’s when you. Can really share from this energy of abundance, because the minute you feel like, oh, there’s less.
And you know, I’m not feeling great and there’s not enough for me. Well, guess what? You’re not in abundance anymore. You’re now in scarcity. And so that’s also where this stressed and comes from. The other term. You mentioned boundaries. So I think that’s an important part of it, right? Like we’re not, we’re not inviting you to just give without limits.
Yes. You know, first of all yeah. Have your cup always full, but even then there’s boundaries. Like if someone asks you, do you work for free? Well, no, of course not. You know, there, there are boundaries that you need to put in place. Do you work on the [00:36:00] weekend? No. If, if, if you don’t want to work on the weekends, then that’s a big, no.
So there is a yeah, a big importance on, on boundaries and, and, and working on those and the I’ll let you in, in a second, the other term I wanted to throw at you was ambition. So talk to us about boundaries and and then also ambition.
Adam: Perfect. Yeah, exactly. I wanted to make that connection. So it’s W with the, with the boundaries.
The ID I like to talk about around that is really when it comes to our us being heart-centered entrepreneurs helpers, we want to understand that there is a distinction here. There is being passionate about what you do, and also being a pro. And in, in early days when I started things, I was just passionate.
I was, I was on a mission. I had a purpose and I was giving again. I told you I’ve [00:37:00] burned out several times, not just at my corporate career, but also doing what I’m doing today. So I’ve, I’ve, I’ve had to learn that and relearn that. And part of that is when things shifted for me, I was working with a coach who helped me see.
There is a distinction by turning into a pro. One can, one can argue. It’s, it’s a question about the social self and the professional self. The social self wants to be liked and is afraid of saying no, we’re putting boundaries in the professional self is the side that says, well, actually, I realize when I’m depleted, I’m doing a far less less impactful work than I otherwise could.
So because of that, I limit the number of calls, the number of hours I work per week, so that I can guarantee to people to always show up on our high frequency, for example. Right. So that, so that’s the distinction I’m trying to allow people to see is really. [00:38:00] Turn pro like stop treating this as a business, not as a hobby, not as just a passion project.
I mean, if, if that’s what you want, of course, to turn this into a business. And if we do, we are professionals be proud of that. And, and honor that, and it does tie into this idea of ambition and defining your success. But. If we don’t define what success looks like to us, it is easy to overdo it. It is easy to think.
Well, five clients are pro is probably better than, than. So let’s go for fine. Well, that’s the whole thing, right? Is it really, to you for you, maybe for clients is perfect for you because it allows you to have that time, that space to recharge and always make sure that you’re coming from a place of full, maybe gives you time to grow, learn and stay on top of things and so on and so on.
So you want to take charge of that.[00:39:00]
Ambition is a tricky thing. Like we could probably have a whole conversation about this, because that was my key, key learning. When I shifted away from, from where I was there is like in human beings, we have this amazing ability to be ambitious. It is, it is an amazing ability because you don’t see this everywhere else.
Like. If you look at animals, for example, they’re not very ambitious. They’re very concerned about the present moments, surviving humans, though. We put away money today so that we possibly can use that when we retire. That’s very ambitious. That’s very how do you say that for forward thinking? Yeah. And at the same time, if all you have is ambition, you will struggle with actually living in the present moment.
And to be honest, life really happens only in the present moment. So we’re missing out on a big piece of, of life. So [00:40:00] the opposite of ambition is enthusiasm, according to me. So we, it’s one thing to use. And we also want to balance that with enthusiasm, meaning the excite excitement we feel in the present moment.
Right? And so again, what can help us not to go to fall? Which is a typical thing. When we measure money, we measure followers. We measure tangible metrics is that 10 is good. 11 is good. 15 is even better. And then we just like, kind of start rolling because the ambition takes over. That’s where we can start going.
What’s my upper lip. What’s the limit that I would be happy to reach without necessarily sacrificing or crossing my boundaries, sacrificing my boundaries so that I can make sure to come from a place of abundance. First does this tidy all together, Sarah? [00:41:00] Yeah.
Sarah: No, it’s so good. I’m so glad you, you mentioned this upper limit.
I think it’s. We are so. Brainwashed to always think about growth and more growth and more growth that, you know, the conversation of what if there was an upper limit. And what if, and obviously we’re talking about money here as well. Right? What if I reached that upper limit and then I can really just.
Do the things that fill my cup and then if it would still brings me joy then yeah. Maybe, maybe I can do some more because obviously we’ve also all chosen work that we love doing, but that’s also where the danger is. I think, in, in our work, I mean, yes, it’s great that we get to work and love it. And at the same time you can fall so much in love with your work.
That in the end, you’re still working all the time. Me now. And then [00:42:00] yeah, I think it’s, it can be addictive. So, so I think it’s a, it’s worth having a conversation. You know, especially if you have a partner and loved ones and you’re like, well, actually, yeah, I do love my work, but you know, how do they fit into the equation as well?
So, So yeah, so good to have this and yeah. Enthusiasm. Isn’t, that is a great word and curiosity as well. You know, where, where it’s like, well, yeah, I have this ambition, but I have all this curiosity for other things that I want to do that maybe don’t have to do with work. And, you know, Maybe if I do have this upper limit, then I have more time for following my curiosity.
So honesty is one of my core values. So it’s just like, yeah, I do want to do all these other things as well. So so good. Yeah. Is there anything that we haven’t talked about [00:43:00] yet that you wanted to bring up with this idea of moving the pale paler?
Adam: Well, I was thinking about one other thing. Once we, you know, as I was preparing in my mind about this and it was this not to make this a big things, a very small distinction that can sometimes help to understand what it means to focus on the impact.
And it is, it is this idea of don’t don’t look for clients, look for ways to be helpful. So. Whenever someone feels stuck. Like I can’t find clients, where do I find clients? Well, let’s not focus on clients. Let’s focus on helping people being helpful. And, and again, obviously going back to what we just shared about boundaries and turning pro and defining success so that it actually makes sure to support your lifestyle goals when we start looking for ways to be helpful The spin off effects.
The side effect of that is often [00:44:00] a poster becoming a client. It just, it sort of happens by itself. And to me, I found that to be quite. Helpful when, when the anxiety of, oh, I need clients. When that comes up, I just go like, hang on. Let’s be helpful. Where can I be helpful? Because it’s easy to find that then finding clients, I don’t walk around seeing dollar signs above people’s heads.
Right. It’s just not what I do.
Sarah: Yeah, that brings up. This is when I used to call organized LinkedIn local events here in, in Lozan. We maybe organize that with a friend and people came to these networking events, like you said, looking for clients. And I always told them don’t your clients are not here.
These are people, humans that may just know other humans who need you know, what you have to offer, but it’s never a good idea to go to a [00:45:00] networking event and think those are all my potential clients. Like you give off the wrong energy, if you go into a room like that. So yeah, just thinking, oh, these are humans who may know other humans who have.
Then yeah, potentially gonna have want to work with me, but, but also don’t think, oh, I’m going to tell them, you know, tell all your friends about me. No, that’s not planning
Adam: their.
Sarah: Yeah. Wonderful. Thank you so much, Adam. I want you to share two things. First of all where people can find you, how they can find out how to work with you in a second.
I think you have something where you walk your talk and people can really experience What it would be like to be in your circles. So tell us about, yeah,
Adam: exactly. Well, the easiest way, I guess, is you can just visit my website, which is Adam koala. K a w a L E c.com. And they, you can get in [00:46:00] touch with me.
You can read more about the things that I do together with my clients. And you can send me an email from there as well. I am on social media. But I’m not a huge, huge fan or like a very, very present person there. So it can take some time before I see something, if you really want to make sure to get in touch with me send me an email and that’s the that’s the best way.
And yes. So I, I really, I mean, I enjoy. Our conversations. And we started getting to know each other a year ago. And I was so happy when you decided to you were accepting my invitation to be part of my summit that I did last year, calling the authentic business building and marketing summit and authenticity to me like that.
I just needed you to be part of that. So, and I’m so glad I did. And you said, yes. So to honor that kind of, I, I, I wanted to offer all the listeners a way to access the, the interview I did with you. And two additional interviews that are really on the topic of authenticity and connection [00:47:00] and providing experience for people.
So and they can go again to my, my home website and it’s Adam koala.com forward slash humane marketing. Human marketing protocols and that’s where they can basically sign up for, for taxes, those three videos. And I’m sure that you’ll link that somewhere around this episode as
Sarah: well. And the show notes and in the description of your, of your app, where you’re listening to this podcast.
So, yeah. Wonderful and generous offer. Thank you. And that summit was just so great. So thank you so much. And the final question, Adam, what are you grateful for today or this week?
Adam: I am going to say that I’m back running that I’m really grateful for, for being back running it’s I took a bit of a, a pause during holidays and all of that, and today was my first day back running.
And I’m really grateful for that. Like, it’s, it’s one of my, that’s one of the things that [00:48:00] really feels like. And I can tell because the last few weeks slowly, slowly been some early drippings happening, happening for my, my refilling my cup. So I wouldn’t say that. Yeah. Running nature moving the body.
Sarah: Wonderful. Thank you so much for being on the show, Adam. Really
Adam: appreciate it. Thank you for having me.