How Özlem Imil got her Mojo back by creating a differentiated, purpose and value aligned brand.

“I am now showing up as who I fully am, and my marketing flows from that place organically.”

Case Study Snapshot

Özlem Imil is a Conscious Leadership and Life Design Coach. She reached out to Sarah because she outgrew her two previous coaching brands and needed support in effectively differentiating herself in the market and connecting with her most value-aligned audience.

Ozlem Imil, 1:1 Coaching Client

Why did Özlem choose Sarah as her coach?

I asked Özlem where she was before we started working together:

I created two coaching brands in the last decade. I invest a lot of time, energy and money in my personal growth, so I outgrew both. Putting together a more updated and properly differentiated brand was my wish.  However, traditional mainstream marketing was not value-aligned with me. I did not enjoy it. And this was causing inner resistance to move forward with my plans hence the loss of my mojo.

Here’s what Özlem was looking for:

I needed to work with a marketing coach who understood that some of us in business are trying to change the status quo by developing more heart- based and value aligned ways of reaching our audiences. I also wanted to work with someone who is smart, experienced, and able to guide and support a seasoned coach.

So I am thankful to have met Sarah at the right time and to discover her ‘humane marketing’ approach. Sarah shared many of my values and clarified the minimum amount of mainstream marketing I need to adhere to without compromising my principles.

The results

I asked Özlem about the aspects of her she now shares with the world that she did not before and why that makes her happy:

“My dedication to my clients doing ‘the inner work’ and paying more attention to their ‘inner world’ is now included in all my messaging. I also share my own inner world with my audience which I had never done before. Nowadays my actions to develop my business flow, rather than merely being tasks to tick off my list. I am finally putting myself out there with a differentiated message and not only as a brand, but as the human behind the brand. This whole alignment makes me happy!”

Tangible results include:

"Nowadays my actions to develop my business flow, rather than merely being tasks to tick off my list."

- Özlem Imil

Besides the above, Özlem and I also worked on:

Her niche and the right opportunities: Accepting that even though she theoretically could help everyone, her offering is a good fit for a unique ideal client. Focusing more on the right opportunities and saying no to the ones that did not expand or elevate her.

Raising her rates: Özlem raised her rates and created a 3-month coaching package, based on her new Conscious Life Design Framework.  

Email Onboarding Sequence: Özlem created an amazing onboarding email series for people who download her Conscious Leadership and Life Design model.

Final thoughts

It has been wonderful to be a part of Özlem’s journey and watch her show up consistently with her differentiated and bolder message.

Here are Özlem’s final thoughts:

“Working with Sarah has been a genuine pleasure. Knowing her and observing how she conducts and develops her business inspired and energised me to get back on track with mine. Her kindred spirit, sensitive but direct approach and our heartfelt connection have earned Sarah a special place in my heart and life. I have become a member of The Humane Marketing Circle and I hope our collaboration will continue- maybe even in ways we cannot even imagine today. Thank you, Sarah!”

Thank you Özlem !

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